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Anika's getting ready right now and she's dressed a little too sexy. She only dresses like that if she and Andre are having a date night, so he was confused. Is she going on a date with someone else?

He kept asking her where she was going, but she's staying tight lipped as always. Anika never tells him anything anymore. She's been too secretive ever since she became close to Lucious. Which Andre still didn't approve of.

"So you're really not going to tell me where you're going?"

Anika groaned in annoyance. "Ugh Andre! Can you please stop with the jealousy?!"

"Jealousy? So you're saying I should be jealous? Are you going out with a guy?"

Anika whirled around and snapped at him. "Andre, do you trust me or not?!"

"Of course I trust you."

"Then why are you interrogating me?!"

"Because you've been too secretive and it began when you started hanging out with Lucious, which I still don't understand."

"So I can't hang out with your father?" Anika questioned.

"Not when he's the devil. None of us like being around him, so why do you?"

Anika answered honestly. "I told you he fascinates me, Andre."

"But why does evil fascinate you, Anika?! That's what I don't understand!"

"Because I like bad boys, Andre!" Anika yelled at the top of her lungs. "They're exciting, different, and forbidden! I like that!"

"Well I hate to break it to you, but I'm not a bad boy. I never was."

"I know, Andre."

"And you still decided to marry me?"

"Because I didn't mind back then. I liked your maturity. But honestly, you haven't been doing it for me lately honey," Anika said harshly.

"So who has? Because I know you're not dressed like that for no reason. So just tell me the truth. Are you cheating on me?"

He wanted the truth? Okay, she was going to confess then. Lucious wanted her to anyway. "You know what? I am."

Andre backed away from her with a hurt facial expression. She really just confessed to cheating on him with no fucks whatsoever. Now he felt like a fool for investing so much time on her. He felt like a fool for not listening to his family! They didn't like her for a reason!

"Who is he?"

Anika wasn't saying Lucious' name. "I can't tell you that."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want problems to start."

"You already started problems when you decided to cheat, so who is he?!" Andre was getting worked up which wasn't normal.

Anika was staring at him warily now. "Andre, you need to calm down."

"I'm not calming down until you answer me, woman! Who is the secret guy?!"

"Alright, I'm not doing this with you. I have to go." She grabbed her purse and started rushing out, but Andre said, "It's my father, isn't it?!"

That made Anika freeze, which confirmed Andre's suspicions. It's obvious anyway. They became close overnight and she does everything Lucious says. She even admitted that he fascinates her and that she likes bad boys. Well Lucious is definitely a bad boy. Now she's telling Andre that she cheated on him? His father has to be the other guy which is fucking disgusting. "Is it?!"


Oh Andre was gonna be sick. "So you're telling me I've been sharing my wife with my father?! My own father, Anika?! How foul can you be?!"

"Andre, calm down!" Because he was fuming heavily and the look in his eyes was so vicious. She was terrified.

"How am I supposed to calm down?! You cheated on me with my father! Do you even regret it?!"

"You want me to be honest?"


"No I don't regret it. I never will. I love your father, Andre."

Andre had to squeeze his eyes shut as he shook his head. This couldn't be happening. "Don't say that."

"It's true. He has everything I desire. The sex is better too."

Andre was really getting angry now. They had sex?! Ohhh, his blood was boiling. His skin was hot and everything. He really wanted to calm down because he can't control his actions when he's angry, but he can't calm down! How is he supposed to be calm in this situation?!

"You had sex with him too?!"

Anika kept the truth coming. Lucious would want her to. "I did. Twice. And you're right, I am dressed like this for a reason. For Lucious. I was about to go to his house and have sex with him for a third time."

Andre was so hurt. He couldn't believe she was telling him this so casually. "Just stop, Anika. That's enough."

She can't stop. It's not what Lucious would want. "No it's not enough. You wanted me to be honest so I'm being honest. So who knows? I might marry Lucious instead and start my own family with him."

"I said stop!" Andre roared at the top of his lungs before gripping his hands around her neck. He wasn't lying when he said he can't control himself when he's angry. He didn't even realize what he was doing until it was too late.

So what did he do? He gripped his hands around her throat and squeezed until there was nothing left to squeeze. Anika's lifeless body fell to the floor and Andre just stared at her. Her dead body isn't the scary part though. The scary part is the fact that he didn't feel a thing. He wasn't sad or remorseful. He was actually...happy.

He's happy that cheating bitch is gone. She can't mess with his father anymore or any of his family for that matter. He knew he had to dispose of her body though. He wasn't trying to go to jail.

Andre checked outside to make sure the coast was clear and it was. He picked Anika up and took her out of the house. He threw her in his trunk. Then he got in the car and started it. He started driving off with a satisfied smirk on his face because man did that feel good.

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