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It's Friday which meant it was Hakeem's day to pick Bella up from school, so he was at the schoolyard. Bella's teacher was telling him some bullshit and he was getting sick of this.

"Where's Bella?" Hakeem demanded to know.

"She was picked up already."

Yeah of course she was. She's always mysteriously getting picked up when it was Hakeem's day. That's why he couldn't stand Tiana. She stayed having Noah being a daddy to his daughter!

Hakeem spoke angrily. "Yeah I should've expected that. Thanks anyway."

He started to walk off and she said, "Uh Mr. Lyon, the person who picked her up was-"

He didn't even let her finish because he already knew the answer. "Yeah I know who it was."



Hakeem was on his way to Noah's house, but he got a call from a number he didn't recognize. He answered it cautiously. "Hello?"

"Hello son."

Hakeem halted and chills ran down his spine when he recognized the voice. Lucious. And he wasn't scared, he just really hated Lucious' presence. He was eerie as fuck.

"Why you calling my phone, Satan?!"

"Bella's teacher just called me."

What? "And why the hell is she doing that?"

"Because I told her to," Lucious said. "I knew you'd be wondering where Bella was, so I told her to let me know when you were there."

"I know where Bella is. With Noah."

"No. She's at my place."

That made Hakeem really freeze now. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me correctly, son. I picked her up from school."

"Why do you keep going near my daughter?!" Hakeem raged. "You need to stay your ass away from her!"

"Well Bella seems to like my presence."

"Well I don't, so I'm coming to get her! Where do you stay?!"

Lucious told Hakeem his address and Hakeem hung up and quickly headed there. Lucious got him fucked up!

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞, 𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞 Where stories live. Discover now