47 | coparenting

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Noah spent the last two days with Davis. Davis didn't fuss as much anymore which was a good sign. It meant he was slowly warming up to him. He still cried a little when Noah held him though, but one thing Davis loved is when Noah feeds him. He actually preferred Noah feeding him over Star.

Of course Star acted fake hurt over it, but then she laughed and congratulated Noah. It really was something to congratulate because his son hated his guts not too long ago. Now he wanted to be fed by him and Noah was happy about it. It meant he was doing something right. Everything else was a work in progress.

Noah brought Davis to Empire with him and he was sitting on his lap right now. He played some of his songs and Davis moved his head to the music. Noah believed he liked what he was hearing.

"Okay son, I see you! You like this?" Noah asked. Davis looked up at him and then back at the phone. He clapped his hands together and Noah laughed. "I'mma take that as a yes. Don't worry, you're gonna be just like daddy when you grow up."

"Yeah I hope so. He's meant to be a star," Tiana praised as she entered the room.

Noah smiled at her. "Oh hey baby."

"Hey. I see you're in dad mode and you don't look miserable for once. What's going on?"

Noah explained it all to her. "After Bella told me I'm a shitty dad, I talked to Star and told her I'm ready to step up to the plate. So I've been with Davis for the last two days."

Tiana was happy to hear that. "Well you're doing a good job because he seems to be enjoying himself."

Noah chuckled. "It wasn't like this at first. He didn't want me anywhere near him, but he's warming up to me. I think he wants to be a singer when he grows up. He likes music."

"Yeah, Bella too. Maybe they'll both sign with Empire. Who knows?" Then Tiana changed the topic. "Anyway, I wanted to talk to you about something."


"Well I'm sure you saw Hakeem's Instagram post."

Noah did see it. "The one where he posted you, calling you his favorite girl? Yeah I saw that."

"He posted Bella too and he wasn't trying to be flirty or anything. We just had a nice time as a family and he wanted to be sweet," Tiana reassured him.

"Okay. And why are we talking about this?"

"Because I need to make sure you're not mad."

Noah spoke seriously to her. "Listen, I understand that you and Hakeem have a daughter together so I don't expect you to hate each other. You have to coparent just like Star and I. And Star and I are cool now, so you can be cool with Hakeem. It's whatever."

"And what about you and Hakeem?" Tiana asked.

Noah laughed dismissively. "You know me and that guy will never get along. But do you. Just make sure it stays on a coparenting level."

"It will. I love you and Hakeem loves Star.

Yeah, it better stay that way.


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It's a good thing Noah was with Davis because Star was way too mad right now and she didn't wanna bring that energy around her son.

Why was she mad? Well there were two reasons. First, she was mad at Alex for quitting on her when she held her down since day one! Now what the hell were she and Simone supposed to do?! Change the group name to Take Two for real?! How were they supposed to explain that to the fans?! How were they supposed to explain that to Cookie?!

But what really had Star pissed off was the fact that her boyfriend called his ex his favorite girl for the whole world to see! That's exactly why Star was giving him the silent treatment. He wasn't about to make her look like a fool. But he already did. Now the fans were bringing up her past and saying that he was better off with Tiana. That wasn't cool.

Clearly Hakeem hasn't realized how badly he fucked up because he had the audacity to walk up to her. "Yo Star!"

Star spoke rudely. "You must be out of your mind talking to me."

"So you are mad."

"What made you realize? Was it the silent treatment or was it the silent treatment?" Star retorted.

"Yeah it was the silent treatment and I don't understand why! I ain't do nothing!"

That was a damn lie. "So you ain't make an Instagram post calling Tiana your favorite girl?!"

"Don't act like Bella wasn't included in that. But I don't see the problem. I can't show my family some love?"

"Do you see me posting Noah, calling him my favorite guy?" Star countered.

Hakeem rolled his eyes. "You're taking it the wrong way. It wasn't on no flirty type of shit. I was just showing off my family!"

"And you can do that without disrespecting your girlfriend in the process!" Star argued. "Now all of your fans are talking shit about me, Hakeem!"

That was news to him. He didn't know that. "Saying what?"

"That you're better off with Tiana because I abused Noah a couple of months ago!"

"Noah hit you too," Hakeem pointed out.

"But I hit him first and everyone knows that! So now all of your fans think you're not safe with me!"

"Well I don't care about what those fans say. I don't want Tiana. We're just finally coparenting in peace and I like it."

Star was still bitter though. She decided to be petty. "Well Noah and I are coparenting in peace too, so can I post him and Davis on Instagram? I deserve to show off my family too right?"

Hakeem let out an annoyed breath. "Look, what do you want me to do? You want me to delete the post? You want me to change the caption? Just tell me!"

"I want you to stop disrespecting me!"

"Alright, my bad. I'mma change the caption and I'mma post you too. Will that make you feel better?"

Star couldn't lie, that sounded good. She couldn't act too hype though. "A little. It better be a romantic ass caption too."

Hakeem chuckled. "I gotchu." He really posted her too. "There, I did it. And I'm about to tell the fans to chill on you."

Star stopped him. "No need. I'mma tell them myself."

"Oh, you gonna tweet it?"

Star just smirked. "No. I got something better in mind."

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