Part 40

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Christmas Eve had arrived once again, mine and Aria busiest time of the year. "See I told you, what we said last year finishing at 5 was never going to happen" Aria laughed. "Shut up" I giggled. We drove back home to see JJ, Harry, lux and freezy. "Hello" I said opening the door. "Hi babe, how was work" JJ greeted me with a kiss. "Busy but all finished now" I huffed. "Good, we've got all the snacks ready and elf on ready to watch" he said with excitement. This year was different, me and the girls had exchanged presents a few days ago. Tonight meaning we all had partners it was a group night.
After watching the film, lux and freezy and Harry had gone home. "How are you and lux" JJ asked Jade. "We're good, we ain't rushing into anything, it's nice to hang out with him" she told us. "You guys are cute" I commented. "So what's your plans tomorrow" Aria asked me and JJ. "We will, go to Mine have dinner then JJ parents at night" I smiled. "It will be a very productive day" JJ laughed. JJ and I went to bed and had an early night, for our busy day tomorrow.
Me and JJ woke up early to go to my house. When we got there all the kids was there and super exited, telling us what they got from Santa. We sat down enjoying dinner "So what's your plans tonight" my mother asked. "We will be going to JJ parents" I told them. We had our dinner which was delicious and played some family games. "I'll drive you guys" my dad offered. "Are you sure" JJ asked. " yeah, I'm positive come on then don't want to be late" he said. We arrived to JJ house and had a few drinks with his family. "You ready for your present" he asked. I nodded "We will be back" JJ said taken my hand to his bedroom. "You go first" he giggled.
I gave JJ my gift, he opened the box to see a photo album, he flicked through and I added loads of pictures of us, our friends, the boys. " Emily I love it thank you" he hugged me. " there something else in the box" I told him. He opened up to his crystal necklace KSI. " babe you shouldn't of" he gasped. " I wanted too". " I love it thank you so much! Now open mine" he said. I opened up to see a sex toy. " JJ" I laughed. "It could be put to good use" he laughed. "No serious there's some else too" he smiled. I opened up to see a Diamond ring. "JJ what is this" I gasped. " it's not an engagement ring, I know it's too soon just yet, but this is a promise ring to you, I want to want to marry you one day. I want you to be mine for the rest of my life one day. You are my best friend, my amazing beautifull girlfriend. And I love you. I love you so much. So please wait until it's time to marry each other" he said. Trying to hold my tears back "I can't wait for that day to come, I love it JJ, I love you" I cried hugging him. "Can we use that toy tonight" he whispered. " only if your good" I laughed. " I love you". " I love you JJ".

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