Part 20

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The next morning me and the girls said our goodbyes and headed home. I arrived at my parents house, with a full English breakfast at the ready. "This is the best present ever" I exclaimed. My dad laughed "Dinner will be late this year about 3pm". "What time are the kids coming up" I asked. "Around half 11, I'll put the presents away for you, you eat up" my mother said. I sat down eating my breakfast, while my mother put out my presents I'd bought for everyone. "The other day James was looking and he saw a picture of you and this famous boy" my dad said, James is my 10 year old nephew. " JJ, he's cool, we met and he invited me and the girls to this massive Christmas party, I know their friends girlfriends I've done their makeup" I told him and he smirked.
"Was he the one who bought you that bracelet" he spoke. I looked down and smiled " yes".
After eating my breakfast all my family had turned up. "Belle, James more presents here" I shouted, wanting to see their little faces. "So is it true you met ksi" James asked. " yeah it is, technically His name is JJ" I told him. " I would love to meet him, all my friends would be jealous" he whined. I giggled "Well if were still friends maybe". After the kids opened their presents we sat down for lunch. " I just want to say a very merry Christmas and a happy new year to us all, we are all healthy and safe, love you all" my mother spoke. "Cheers" my dad said raising his glass, as did we all. "Mum, this is fucking amazing" I moaned. My sisters laughed " Watch your language" my mother laughed. " Yeah nanny, this is fucking amazing" my 8 year old niece copied me. " Belle" my sister gasped, trying not to laugh.
We ate our dinner and I will say it was fucking amazing. We had played some family games before my sisters and the kids leave to see their extended family. " I'll see you tomorrow bye" me and my mother waved at the kids. "Right I'll go get my jammies on, and we can have a drink, and watch elf" I told my parents. Considering I was 25 years old, I was a big kid at heart, specially when it was Christmas. After getting changed we sat down watching the film, I quickly gave the girls a text in our group chat. ' I hope you've had a lush day, see you tomorrow xx'. Then I decided to text JJ ' hey, hope you've had an amazing day, you deserve it x'. Before I put my phone down he had text back ' hey, merry Christmas, thank you it's been different but good, I'm just chilling at simons, what you doing tomorrow x'.
' me and the girls just going out down the local to have a few bev, how about you?x'. ' I guess that's my plans too then, see you then ;) x'. I nearly chocked on my drink. "You ok" my dad asked. "Yeah I'm fine" I nodded. ' S.O.S JJ said he'll see me tomorrow!!'. ' and.....' Jade replied. ' how does he know x' Hannah text. ' well he asked what I was doing I replied what the plans was and that's what he said x'. ' well that's your problem, hopefully he'll fetch blondie ;)x'. I put my phone down, thinking what might happen tomorrow.

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