Part 6

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After doing more snooping, we found out that the mysterious sobbing boy JJ, is apart of a group called sidemen. He is known as KSI, Jade put some of his songs on and he's actually pretty good. So now I know why his friends had that worried look of a strange girl in a hotel room with him, and why they didn't want money back. All the boys I met that night was apart of the group. "At least you know now, why they paid for a hotel room and didn't want any money" Hannah teased. "Are you gutted you two didn't screw" Jade teased. "Fuck off" I laughed. "Well he is pretty good looking, I would do him" Aria agreed. "You know I'm not the kinda girl" I blushed.
I was always the type to be in a relationship before sex. I have only ever had a one night stand with 1 boy. We was 18, I vowed to never do it again. It was awkward waking up next morning not speaking or knowing what to do. I practically chucked him out of the house. Never again will I have a one night stand. The girls we had met tonight, had followed us on Instagram which they had blue ticks! "You guys have blue ticks following you" Jade teased. "Right someone take the Prosecco away from her" Hannah laughed.
The next morning I woke up early as Jade and I was doing some Christmas shopping today."We should put our tree up" Jade whined . " Hannah will kill us, you know that, 1st of December is the rule" I laughed. "She is such a spoil sport, don't tell her I told you that" she laughed. We went shopping picking up some stuff for our families. I had a small family compared to the girls. My family contained of my parents, 2 older sister, my grandad and a niece and nephew. I always work up until Christmas Eve then me and the girls go home early Christmas Day.
Us four girls finish work Christmas Eve, spend the night together, always party food and alcohol, with the exchange of gifts. Me and Jade grabbed some dinner mid way shopping to rest our feet. "My feet and arms are killing me" I whined. " I only want to go two more shops and we'll head home" Jade said. I looked through my phone, I had some more followers from the girls photo credit the other day. After we had some dinner we finished up our shopping and headed for the tube station to go home. We'd seen a large group of kids running around which is kinda usual for London. Until someone heavy and tall collided into me, make me fall to the floor.
"What the fuck" I yelled. " aye yo I am so so sorry here" he said passing me his hand. I took his hand stood up to see his face him"Hello again" he giggled. "Hi" I said picking up all my shopping bags. "Here let me help" he said bending down banging my head. "Just stay there" I shouted holding my head. Jade helped me with the bags, and heard boys laughing. "JJ come on we gotta go"one of the boys shouted. "Look I gotta run, I'll text you. Sorry for pushing you over" he said while running off.

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