Part 5

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Weeks later after our eventful night out, work had been busy. Me and Aria was up every Friday and Saturday morning, early to do weddings plus we had some photo shoots. Today we was booked in for an event. We arrived at a house and the client Freya took us to a room, to set up. "Have you got setting spray" I asked. "Yeah I got a new bottle". "We're all ready who is first" Aria told Freya. Freya and another girl had come in, " I'm talia nice to meet you" Talia walked in the room sitting on the chair. " hiya lovely to meet you, so what colour you thinking for you eyes" I asked. "My dress is pink, so maybe a light shade of pink" she told me.
"So where you off to tonight then" Aria asked. "Our boyfriends got an event tonight, celebrating 8 years so it's going to be big, and we needed to look flawless" Freya giggled. "Well we're absolutely honoured" Aria spoke. "What do your boyfriends do" I asked. "They do YouTube, and so do we" talia spoke. I gasped "Oh wow, well done, I couldn't do it, I'd be so shit". Aria laughed at me "Amen to that, soon as the camera is on her she freezes" Aria laughed. "Awh why's that" Freya laughed. " I don't know, I've always hated the camera on me, insecurities you know" I blushed. " omg you are fucking fierce! You are insanely gorgeous" Talia spoke. "Well thank you" I blushed.
We finished 5 girls all together and we was packing our stuff away. We reached downstairs where they was having pictures. "Can I be really cheeky, can you take some photos of us together" Kirsty asked. " yeah sure"Aria spoke. The girls stood together and we took a few of them. "If you post them on social media please could you tag us " I asked. "Of course, we will be coming to you all the time now" Freya laughed. "Thanks girls enjoy your night" Aria waved goodbye and so did I.
We got takeout for us all tonight to watch a movie. " I bought Prosecco" Jade shouted pouring glasses. "And we bought the food" I laughed. We sat down watching some horror movie that was showing on the tele. "How was work" Aria asked. "Fucking hell, it's been mega busy, it's that time of year where people trying to claim or people has lost their job, so it's been difficult" Hannah spoke. "How was your day" Jade asked. " Busy we met these lovely girls, their boyfriends and them are YouTubers  they got an event on for their boyfriends or something like that, they were cool actually" Aria spoke.
We watched the film and Aria was on her phone, "Oh look those girls tagged us in their Instagram" she told me. We all leant over to see the pictures and the credit they gave me and Aria. "They look good, all thanks to you guys" Hannah laughed. We swiped through some more pictures seeing loads of the girls and some sexy boys says Aria and Jade. " holy mother shit! That's that boy" Jade shouted. "What" I laughed not knowing which boy she was on about. "Look that's him, the boy you took to the hotel" Aria spoke.

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