Part 7

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It was going to be a mad day today. We had a sidemen shoot to film, sidemen react and my main channel to film. After everything that's gone on, I really couldn't face anything. But I couldn't let my friends or my fans down. There's worse things going on in the world, and I couldn't do it to my fans. Today we was in London at a ridiculous time, school time! Filming pub golf. I could do with a drink, although I shouldn't drink my sorrows away. I got changed into my outfit and we made it to the first pub.
"There he is" Conor teased our camera man. "Fuck up" I laughed. We had our first pint and swiftly downed it in seconds, "Next" I shouted. " Slow down man" Tobi told me, always concerned about me. " I'm fine" I waved him off. After filming some content, it was on to the second pub. "Right guys it is cocktail time" Harry announced. "They're easy bro" Simon laughed. "Bro mixing alcohol is not good, you might think it's easy but the level of alcohol in it, is a lot" Vik said. "Don't worry about the fucking levels bro after what we got planned" Ethan laughed. " I'll go first" Josh said taken his drink. We had taken our drinks and I checked my phone, Habit I guess. " didn't we say no phones" Tobi teased. "Nah I'm just checking I'm just checking" I said sliding my phone in my picked.
"Or texting that girl" Harry coughed. "Cut that out con" I shouted, The boys laughed. "Shut up it's not like that" I blushed. "To be fair though she was fucking smoking" Ethan smirked. Harry and Ethan laughed high fiving each other. "Fuck up"I laughed. "Yeah I didn't realised but she was at my house the other day she had done the girls makeup" Josh spoke. "No way was that her" Kirsty spoke our camera girl. "She's so lovely" she added. "Wait what" I questioned. "Yeah she done all of our makeup for the other night" Kirsty told me. "How is she" I asked. " she's fine" she smirked.
We walked through London, Vik was half cut, after finishing the video I was pretty buzzed. School had just finished Me Harry and Josh running from some school kids until I bumped into someone. "Hello" I said scrambling in my feet helping Emily up. After exchanged of bumps on the head I couldn't take my eyes of her. 'How are y-" JJ we gotta run" Harry spoke. "I gotta go go I'll text you".Me Harry and Josh ran to the train to escape the kids and embarrassment. "Your worse than me bro, you got no game" Harry laughed. " nah nah nah, I'm drunk" I giggled. "What's up with her anyway" Josh asked. " I dunno man, I just felt like she got me you know, after Charlotte I just felt like I had no one to talk to and she was there" I told them. "You got us man" Harry told me. " I know I know and I do love you guys but she just got me" I told them thinking about her.

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