Chapter 16: Regret

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I'm currently drinking the entire bottle of bourbon here at the bar while everyone keeps on party celebrating a fake ass marriage, oh you may ask yourself why aren't you with your husband well guess what the Don himself left probably fucking a who...

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I'm currently drinking the entire bottle of bourbon here at the bar while everyone keeps on party celebrating a fake ass marriage, oh you may ask yourself why aren't you with your husband well guess what the Don himself left probably fucking a whore right now. It's whatever I just wanna be alone to be honest.

"Hey beautiful want to go out and smoke this joint with me" André says with a smirk. I should probably say no but I really need to relax

"Sure there is a room upstairs with a balcony let's go there" I tell him and he follows me

We are here smoking the joint and he keeps on staring at me and I'm getting annoyed by it

"If you have a question just ask it" I say annoyed

"Do you love him?" he asks

"Please don't make me laugh, no I don't or ever will" I say taking a long hit


"Well I hate him and also I don't think i'm capable of love" I say while sigh

"That's a lie we all want to be loved and give love" he says

"Not me I stopped wanting that a long time ago and let's stop talking about this and do what you really want to" I say looking at his eyes and seeing him shocked

"What? Please I see the way you have looked at me all night and it's not like Luca is here" I say going closer to him until we are inches away

"So do what you desire the most" I say in a seductive way

He grabs my hair and crashes his lips on mine and I move in sync with him. He starts to kiss my neck and hits the spot that I love and I moan. He keeps on kissing my neck when someone cleared their throat and we turned and it's Enzo

"Victoria I thought you would like to know that your father is about to leave, I suggest you fix yourself" He says serious and I feel hurt he hasn't called me Victoria in a minute it's usually Vic or Princess.

I go to the bathroom and fix myself, my hair is all over the place, I take off the clip that was holding my hair back and I put it up into a ponytail. I fix my lipstick and I leave.

"Oh there you are I wanted to say goodbye hija since we are planning on leaving early tomorrow and might not se each other" Lorenzo says and looks behind me who I am guessing is André coming downstairs and he looks back at me and hugs me

"Be careful hija with what you are doing don't start an unnecessary war" he whispers into my ear

"I'll be fine go on get your rest" I say putting on a smile to make him feel better

Everyone soon leaves and everyone asks me where Luca is at and I just keep saying something came up, more like a whore did but anyways. I see Enzo about to leave

"Hey! Enzo!" I yell. "What's been wrong with you all day?"

"Ha do you seriously not see it" He yells at me

"See what??"

"That I'm dying of jealousy here and I know you said you couldn't give me a relationship when we hooked up but here you are married and then kissing that dude" he yells at me getting closer with an angry face

"It is not my fault I married I would have never wanted this and you know it and the guy it's nothing! God you man are all the same trying to control me! I am my own person and I can kiss and marry anyone I want and yes I could never give you the relationship you want because the person you are in love with is just a made up version of me that you made in your head!!" I say and walk out

I grabbed a car and left to go to a hotel I really don't want to go back to the house not today I need a fucking break.

It's 4 am when I wake up by my phone sounding getting a call from Luca. Ugh I see the King finally got done with his mistress and now is looking for his Queen. Ahh I wouldn't go back but I have a flight back to New York at 5:30.

I enter the house and Luca stands up from the couch

"Where the fuck have you been! I've been calling you!" he yells at me getting closer

"I was sleeping okay now move!" I yell

"You reek of man's cologne and weed" He says with a disgusted face

"Yea well all of those are things I've had" I say with a smile and an angry face appears on him. He pushes me against the wall and grabbing my arms before i could push him.

"Listen to me I will only say this once! YOU ARE MINE! No man can touch you besides me" He yells at my face and I just start laughing and laughing and he looks at me like if i'm crazy

"God today you woke up very funny now let me go I have to go" I say

"Not until you understand that you are mine" he says tighten his hold on my arms and it triggers a memory in me and I kick him where the sun doesn't shine. I ran up to my room and I look in the mirror at the marks he left on my arms just like he did.

I pack everything quickly I need to get out of here. I walk downstairs

"Hey I'm sorry about earl-" he was about to finish when he sees my suitcase.

"Where the fuck do you thinking you are going!" He yells again ugh

"New York so bye" I say and give the suitcase to Enzo and practically run out of there and go inside the car before he can catch me.

"I swear Victoria you're going to regret this!" He yells outside

No you will

No you will

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