Chapter 6: Has he known this entire time?

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That ignorant ass made me change the fucking contract and now I'm fucking annoyed and I just remembered that Davis asked me to take care of the French mafia meeting, he was supposed to go but he had another important meeting with someone else

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That ignorant ass made me change the fucking contract and now I'm fucking annoyed and I just remembered that Davis asked me to take care of the French mafia meeting, he was supposed to go but he had another important meeting with someone else.

So now I'm on my way to our warehouse to meet with them.

As I arrive James didn't seem too happy with his father's decision to have me take care of the french instead of him.

"Hello James" I say and he ignores me

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"Hello James" I say and he ignores me

"The french are in the conference room and don't fuck things up like you usually do" he said and walking away

I go inside the room and greet them

"Bonjour Monsieur Monet" I say
Hello Mr. Monet

"Bonjour Mme Adams" he says
Hello Ms. Adams

"Eh bien, je ne voudrais pas prendre plus de votre temps, nous sommes ici pour parler d'expansion, nous voulons que plus de nos armes soient expédiées à différents endroits." I say. (Well I wouldn't want to take anymore of your time, we're here to talk about expanding, we want more of our guns shipped to different locations)

"Oui, je comprends cela, mais comment nous intégrons-nous?" He asks (Yes I understand that but how do we fit in?)

"Eh bien, vous avez de bonnes relations avec les Italiens et nous aimerions conclure un accord avec eux et j'ai besoin que vous les ameniez ici car nous n'avons pas la meilleure relation avec eux" I answer (Well you guys have a good relationship with the Italians and we would like to make a deal with them and I need you to get them here since we don't have the best relationship with them)

"d'accord mais je ne peux pas faire de promesses, vous savez comment ils sont Mme Adams" He says as he stands up (Okay but I can't make any promises, you know how they are Ms. Adams)

"Bon ben ça sera tout Mr Monet" I say
(Okay well that will be all Mr. Monet)

With that he says goodbye and I leave to go home tomorrow I'll go talk to Davis about the meeting.

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