Chapter 11: Leaves

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"You fucking asshole!" I say punching him

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"You fucking asshole!" I say punching him . He is shocked that i punched him but punched me back. I throw him on the floor and punch him, he hooks my leg and turns and he is on top of me punching that shit out of me.

"What the fuck are you doing!!" Victoria yells and we both turn and I use this to push him off me.

"Have you gone crazy why are you fucking punching my bodyguard!" She yells at  Luca

"His the one who fucking threw the punch first" he says

"Only because you were being an asshole and disrespectful" I say and we begin to bicker again.

"Ugh shut up! You guys sound like fucking little kids, come on Enzo" She says

"A.. what you are taking his side, I'm your fiancé you should be on my side" Luca says and I roll my eyes

"Well concerning that you gave me a ring an hour ago and less than 10 minutes your whore was here, I'd say i'll stick with Enzo, now come on Enzo I don't have all day" she says and I follow her to her room.

"Why did you fucking punch that ass" she says rolling her eyes."Well like you said he's an ass." She goes into the bathroom and grabs an first aid kit. "So what really happened?"

"Don't worry about it he was just being rude and got me annoyed"

"okay whatever you say"

"You know it's not that bad I could've cleaned it myself" I mumble out looking at her all focus on cleaning my face

"I know but we take care of each other or did you forget" She says

"No I haven't forgotten, princess" I say and she smiles hearing my old nickname for her.

5 years ago,

"The boss just brought in a girl" Mike says. He is the only friend I have here almost like a brother to me.

"What do you mean a girl? like for training?"

"I don't know he just said to give her a room and that to train her" he says shrugging his shoulders

Next morning..

"Go say hi she seems quiet maybe she can be your girlfriend since both of don't like to talk" says mike

"Ugh shut up, you're annoying" I say rolling my eyes. I look at her and she is quiet but what captivates me is the sad look in her eyes. Her eyes seem puffy like if she cried all night. I go to talk to her and tap her shoulder and she flinches and punches me.

"Hey chill princess I was just trying to say hi" I say holding my cheek that she punched

"Don't call me that and now you said hi leave" she says looking at the ground and I see her hand shaking and I can kind of see the end of a scar on her arm. Some fucked up shit must of happen the boss had never brought a girl here. He usually trains men and women differently.

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