highway part 2

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Of all the stupid shit ive down. I know what I’m doing is the stupidest. I know it will probably get me hurt or killed. But once I lay eyes on my hector, there’s only one path forward for me. I need to reach him. I need to look in his eyes as i kill him. Vladimir told me to focus, and that’s exactly what the fuck I’m doing. Focusing on my target.

Orders to freeze are shouted behind me, but I ignore them. Vladimir roars my name, but I ignore him too. Gunfire erupts from somewhere close by, but I don’t care. Dashing across the fifteen feet that separates Vladimir’s Lexus from the black Audi hector ducked out of, all the craziness that’s going down is just background noise. I don’t see the flashing red and blue lights. I don’t smell the blood and lead on the air. I only have one purpose, one goal. To reach my target and kill him before someone else kills him.

“Angelmarie, stop!” vlad roars again this time in Russian, and I almost hesitate. Almost. But then hector slowly turns my way. “holy shit,” he gasps as I run up on him, his face draining of color. He looks at me like he’s just seen a ghost. Multiple blasts of gunfire suddenly ring out and my he starts to  shakes his head, seemingly snapping out of it.

“What the hell are you doing,bitch?” he hisses as he jumps forward, attempting to grabs me by the arm and yanks me down behind the car. Shots ping off the front of the Audi and he curses under his breath. I let him drag me down. I let him think he’s protecting me. But when I hear a car door opening behind me, I grab my gun hate from my holster. Just as hector turns away briefly (big mistake), his wide, anxious gaze darting around, seeking out the sources of danger surrounding us, and I bring my gun up. I aim it at the back of his head. When he finally turns back to look at me, he’s got the barrel of my pistol in his face. “What—” he starts to say and then looks in my eyes. Whatever he sees there causes him to freeze an shake. Licking my lips I slip my finger over the trigger and barely resist the urge to pull it now. Just looking at him makes me sick at myself i should have made sure he was dead the first time, i should have checked. The more i look at him the more rage i feel it burns like nothing I’ve ever felt before, eating me from the inside out like boiling acid.

  “why does your father want me?” He turns his face away and tries to hide the flash of panic in his eyes, but I catch it. I fucking latch onto it.

“Why are you asking me this? Maybe he wants to torture you the same way you tortured me.” Looking back to me, he meets my eyes again and tries to hold my gaze, expecting me to buy his bullshit. But I’m not buying it. As I just stare at him, he must realize it. Switching tactics. “We don’t have time for this, come with me will make a deal…”

“Dont make me slice out your tongue you, dickless prick,” I snap out and take another deep breath, trying to keep myself calm. Trying to keep my head clear. There’s just so much going on inside me, though. A maelstrom of anger, rage, and hatred is swirling inside me and I’m on the verge of completely losing it an giving into my madness. Steadying my hand, I lift the barrel up, aiming it between his beady eyes. “I know you hate that i left you a cockless handicapped. But that doesnt exsplain why your father wants me, only why you hate me!, so once more WHY!” This time he can’t hide the panic he’s feeling as he looks to the barrel of the gun and back to me. It’s plain on his face. He knows hes closed in, has known it all along, and doesn't see a way out.

"Plee-easse dddont kill mmee" he starts to beg.

I watch as a shadow passes over his face and it doesn’t even register why that might be happening. I’m so focused on him, on the shit hes saying, I don’t realize the danger before it’s too late. The hair on the back of my neck suddenly stands on end as his eyes widen an he closes his mouth, pressing his lips together with a look of resignation.

I straighten as I sense someone behind me and then a body is pushing into my back. I try to whip around, but A strong, hard arm comes around my middle, locking me in place while a hand covers my hand over the gun. As the hand covering mine presses against my trigger finger, I freeze in anger, as felix’s voice slides into my ear. “Hello, beautiful. So glad you’ve decided to finally come to me.” Everything inside me shuts down in rage. How fucking dare he touch me, the balls on this asshole. I think as i try to pull my arms free. I feel Felix’s nose rubs against my ear before he asks, “Did you miss me?” he chuckles, his breath moving my hair as the arm wrapped around my middle begins to drift down.

Father.....hector says cautiously as he straightens in front of us. His fake bravado is back in place as he squares his shoulders. I sense Felix moving his head, and then his damn hand is forcing me to move the gun. Forcing me to lift it up to aim it at my hector’s head once again. I close my eyes and open them, hoping that what is playing out in front of me will change. NEXT TIME YOU STREY FROM MY PLANS SON OR NOT...,I WILL END YOUR LIFE.” felix says with out a hint of remorse. Hector looks from me to his father and then his forehead creases with worry.

“you'd kill me for this whore, that wasn't the plan father.” he yelled in anger.

“No, it wasnt the plan but....plans change, in fact the plan changed again RIGHT.NOW… Always remember i get what i want son.” hector stiffens and narrows his eyes at the gun pointed at him. “Hurt comes in many forms, but power an obsession never change forms they show plainly and clearly.” Felix sighs and his grip on my hand forces me to wave the gun in hectors face. “Now answer her fucking question.” hector’s eyes meet mine once more, full of reassignment.

“the night we met you were drugged with the intention of being brought to my father.” A growl escapes my throat and my knees begun shaking. So this whole time Felix was the one who wanted me that night his son just got in the way of his daddy's Fucking obsession…he flinches at the look I give him, as he continues to explains, he told me to drug your drink take you home and wait, but.......”

“BUT, the little shit got greedy an wanted you for his damn self ” felix says with venom.

“you were always meant to be mine, he interfered, just like that fucking Russian interfered but fact still remains I will have you.” hector shoots his father a glare full of murder and his hands squeeze into fists. “Since you did what you did to me, he's treated me like I wasn't even his son forcingme to prove myself at every turn, it all your fault you fucking whore”

“It wasn't her fault son, you've always been a weakling I'm honestly ashamed to call you my son” felix snickers. A look of pure anger washes over hector’s face before he tears his attention away from his father and looks to me again. His eyes are begging me for forgiveness, a forgiveness I’m not sure I can give, as he says, “I’m sorry, angel. Truly i—” A sharp pain shoots up my arm as felix forces his finger over mine and the gun goes off in my hand. everything seems to slow down. Hector’s head jerks back and his open mouth goes slack. His eyes suddenly dim as if the lights inside them blew out. A hole. A dark hole appears on his forehead. Behind him there’s this blast, an explosion of blood and gore that splatters against the Audi’s window. With nothing holding him up, he slumps down the car like a puppet whose strings were just cut, making this horrible squelching noise while leaving a slick trail of blood and brain matter behind him.

Anger. Unbearable rage floods through me, and everything inside me just falls out. Then a scream pierces the air. A scream full of hatred an its directed towards the man holding me. “He should have never tried to keep you from me” I hear felix say as my lungs drag in more air. The death grip around my hand tightens, and then the gun is pried from my fingers. I start to fight the arm wrapped around my middle, jamming my elbow into the left side of his ribs. “Stop that now,” he grunts, tightening his arm around me so hard I feel it bending my rib cage. But I don’t care. I don’t feel shit right now. I start to claw at his arm, start to fight him with this primal, feral need to hurt him, to escape him. “Goddammit, I said stop,” he snarls. And then something cracks against my head so hard everything goes black.

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