blood an kisses

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Accompanied by a bulky tank of a man named Manuel we walked down the stairs of the massive home that Russian drug lord Vladimir petrovski. owned nearing the stairs end I could distantly hear talking and laughter coming from the game room on the bottom floor, but I ignored it being slightly pushed to the left heading to an office, where I was most likely to find the devil himself. Turning to my side i noticed the bulky man that led me here was nolonger bu my side i was completely alone in this dark hallway i felt my heart beat quicken to the point i had to force myself to calm down a bit before I turned around knocking on the door. "Войдите" (Come in.) I softly sighed trying to calm down my heart at the sound of vlads deep voice. I opened the door walking in with caution.I observed the room with my eyes keeping my body trained on him, I noticed two men sitting in front of his mahogany desk.I looked at vlad. His eyes had changed to a deep amber an in the 2 days of knowing him i new that meant he was furious. I felt a lump forming in my throat. He was looking at the man who had his eyes stuck on me. I saw the look in his eyes. They were filled with lust. The balls on this man will get him a bullet in the head, hate an surrender needed some play tike anyway, WAIT HATE! SURRENDER! my guns were are they!!!!!. I was brought back from my thoughts to reality by vlads rich chuckle. I focused all my attention on him. The tention in the room was so thick it was almost straggling. Seeing him motion once with his eyes was enough for me to move my feet in his direction, I went to him willingly He was looking at me intensely. I could have been defiant at that moment an told him to fuck off but looking into his near black eyes i could see the broken wheels turning in his head. I wasnt stupid enough to defy him at this moment and honestly his unpredictable darkness was exciting an arousing me. He smiled darkly at me standing up. He possessively pulled me to his lap and kissed my forehead. My heart skipped a beat in that instant. The darkness of his eyes said it all. These men were fucked.

    "хорошая девочка" (good girl)    he commended wrapping an arm tightly around me.
In that moment i dont know why but i felt a sense if self pride that id somehow pleased him with what id done. Saying nothing i leaned into his embrace never taking my eyes away from his.He slowly opened the first drawer in his desk before leaning back slowly resuming his stare at the two man who were now visibly shaking eyeing the different blades and knifes, I also saw both my guns gleaming at me as well as a custom 44. Magnum revolver It was engraved with a red R.G. R (Russian grim reaper) . I looked at him not moving before he leaned to my ear, "stay put kitten" he whispered in my ear.

       “I’m sorry. I thought you dumb fucks just told me that you didn’t know who was behind the shooting against me and my woman?” vlad asked, his voice so low, so angry, so powerful, it vibrated off the walls in the entire room. “I-I-I s-said it w-would j-just take a b-bit m-more time to find out,” the man who was eye Fucking me said his voice stammering, and I could tell he was scared shitless so was his partner who was now red faced and looked close to passing out from fear. Vlad who was looking around the room with forged confusion and amusement darkening his amber eyes. “Fuck. Well, I guess I can’t hear, and I can’t fucking understand English.  Because I could have sworn I heard you say you had nothing.

“So you tell me, baby,he looked at me a sinister smile on his lips, Is it that I misheard him, or is he just trying to cover his ass all the while imagining tapping yours?” vlad asked as he moved me from his lap not expecting me to honestly answer, before he rose from his chair gracefully and walked around to the front of his desk not before grabbing a curved hunting knife from the desks drawer.
Leaning against it, and my eyes roved his muscled frame my the back. He was wearing a black dress pants with a white, button-down shirt, sleeves rolled up displaying his colorful sleeve tattoo's on both arms and hands, with the top two buttons undone. His blond long hair  was slicked back cascading down his back, and his facial hair was freshly groomed. I licked my lips as my pussy clenched as i eye fucked his back.

Vlad folded his arms across his chest making his muscles flex and stared at the men in front of him as they both looked close to pissing there pants, i almost felt slightly bad for them but i also couldnt bring myself to care cause i wanted the fuckers who shot at me to. I was hoping for these unknown man to answer his question.
that fool said… “I-I do not think you in-intended to m-mishear, mr petrovski but in t-times l-like t-hese i-i-t jjust tttakes longer” vlad nodded in understanding, before he calmly moved to stand behind the now trembling man. I watched in aww as vlad slit the man's throat with ease His calmness never wavering but the look in his eyes showed he was enjoying this shit. I moaned as the blood gushed out the man's throat. Causing him to look at me with those dark eyes that reflected a  blood thirsty kinda lust Everything slowed down for a second when he turned around looking at me.
  "Come here kitten" he said looking at me. Motioning with the bloody knife still in his hand He held out his hand for me which I didn't hesitate to take. His other hand wrapped around my small waist.
  You've got 3 days Get me the information I want,” vlad said to the second man wrapping his arms around me tightly. “I  want to know who was behind it all. I want phone numbers, addresses, family details.” He shifted me to the side of his body "And wipe this fucking trash off my floor",I’m sick of looking at him. I gasped, feeling him to pull me into his body his cold eyes bore holes into mine.

“So who are they to you?” I asked. “A nobody hacker. Scum of the earth wont be missed, He had information i wanted. Or at least. I thought he did his partner better not disappoint me like he did,” vlad answered, a look of disgust on his face.
Suddenly hes tugging me to stand in front of him. " you enjoy watching me kill in front of you,  it turns you on doesnt it kitten?". He purred into my ear softly. " maybe it does. Maybe ut doesnt i could just be turned on by killing and murder in general" i smirked. “ then that makes you my prefect other half.” he said pushing me hard against the desk while digging his nails into my waist it was a arousing kinda pain, I shook my head. I belong to no one Vladimir You’re not stupid enough to lay claim to a masochist like me.
Grabbing my chin in his big palm. “Don’t fuck with me woman,know this i take what i want”. He said growling
I bared my teeth at him in a mocking smile. ?"  An if i dont want to be yours?
He smiled " you already are" before crashing his lips to mine.

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