accept your role

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Pre-dawn light filters though the curtains directly on my closed eyes. I've been lying here awake for the past half hour, trying to process the last 2 weeks.. It's been one hell of a ride so far. I go to my club with the intention to drink myself shitfaced drunk and then fuck a random bitch only to find a woman that i make my queen instead. Then i find my queen to be my complete other half who doesn't want to change me but cause destruction with me. Then she leaves me. Leading to me finding her and fucking her senseless for 3 days. Then my compound is attacked an i find out the fuckers who want me dead also want my Fucking woman. Leading me into a blinding rage. Now I've forcible proposed to my queen and told her we are getting married. And the icing on this whole fucked up cake is her insane ass said YES. Yea one hell of a ride. And i wouldn't change shit at all.

Opening my eyes and looking at angel, my body feels that now familiar ache of desire and longing. We fucked in the shower, were i pounded her slowly forcing her to take me into her body slowly witch made her feel all of me ten times more intensely. before we both collapsed well after the clock showed 2 am. I'm not tired though, I'm awake and alive. I can feel the tiny cells in my body coming to life for the first time in my life since meeting her. I feel dare i say happy.

Angel's curled up next to me in a tiny little ball. She went to sleep with an arm draped across my chest, but when I woke this morning she was turned the opposite way, her ass pressed hard against my hip. I've been with alot of those clingy fucking girls that have to be attached at the hip in bed.

Fuck that shit. We need to be fucking comfortable. I don't have a fucking worry in the world about us not being attached. Im marrying her and i flat-out claimed her so many times i lost count. Ain't nothing else going to keep us apart. Fuck, even her trying to kill me last night when i barged into her shower demanding she marry me, if she'd have said no that still wouldn't stop my ass from claiming her. My hand slides over the gouge she made in my chest, right above the fucking heart. She definitely broke the skin last night. And I loved the fuck out of that shit. A small groan comes from angel as she slowly rolls to her back.

"When did i get trampled on by a horse?" Rolling to my side, I look at her delicate facial features scrunched up into a grimace.

"Fuck, you don't look so good, you alright?" I ask.

"Welcome to the world of morning-after, asshole," she whines as she rubs the palms of her hands against her eyes. "You should never marry someone if you don't like how they look in the morning."

"I didn't mean in the looks department," I say with a chuckle. My fingers trail lightly over her chin as I lean over to kiss her temple. Smiling, she says, "dont spoil me with affection, i might get use to it." scratching like the little kitten she is, She lays there for a long time, looking into my eyes.

"Can I see your phone?" she asks out of nowhere.

"why?" I ask in confusion.

"I need clothes. Mine got destroyed at the old compound last night," she grumbles. "how does my phone equal clothing love," I say as I roll toward the nightstand to grab my phone. "And how exactly are you going to get them anyway?"

"just because i never own a cell phone doesnt mean i dont know how to use one, and i can for your information online shop." She snickers. Handing the phone to her, I watch her roll to her back. Her large breasts flatten somewhat, but they still look heavy and full. My tongue moistens my lips as I start edging toward her. Glancing over at me, she stops typing on my phone. Pushing at my head, she says, "Not a chance. My body is one giant fucking bruise." Showing me her wrist that i had in my grip last night. she says, "i love pain the same way i love pleasure, but right now im sore and need a little down time away from your baseball bat you call a dick." she concluded staring at the screen.

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