plan. set. bomb

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Walking toward the graves, I glance over at my love. "You don't have to be here for this. You can wait in the truck if you want." Shaking her dark curly hair from her eyes, she looks up at me. "No, I don't have to be. I want to be. Jigsaw was your brother that makes him family. yours and now mine aswell, we share this loss together Vladimir." Her statement gave me a strength i didnt know i needed, I look down to jigsaw's headstone. It's simple and unadorned. His life condensed down to two dates. Right beside his, I see groundwire another ace that had fallen from the crew a few years back. Brothers in life, and now in eternity, if there is one. Will I be next to them one day also?

I used to think that when I finally died in this fucked up life. Heaven or hell... I don't really believe all that bullshit. I won't be repenting for the shit I've done. I'm not sorry for any of it i Fucking enjoyed every single second of chaos i caused. But what happens after I die has started to itch in the back of my head. What happens to Angelmarie? No doubt shed burn down everything in her path then go down in a blaze of glory till we found eachother in hell, but how long before that thought become a reality? Vasily comes to stands to my left.

"How'd jigsaw get this spot?" I ask, motioning around us. It's nice, I guess, in this part of the cemetery. Trees with shade and somewhat close to a small lake. Although there seems to be a lot of unused land around these two plots. "i bought it about 3 years back when groundwire went down. bought out this whole section," he says with a small shrug and looks around us. "Any plot that doesn't have a stone is ours. I wanted the crew to stay together, I guess. Family and all that shit." Even in death, brothers till the end. Ace's for life.

"i hope im getting squeezed in here with the rest of you overgrown linebackers..." Angelmarie says with a hint of sarcasm. "Not anytime soon my queen" i say before lightly kissing her temple.
"Besides the grave why else am i here little brother" I ask vasily. as we both turn toward the sound of a vehicle driving up the road. Hand slowly sliding to the gun on my hip, I move just enough to put myself in-between angel and the blacked-out Benz that slows as it gets closer to us.

"Expecting friends?" I ask vasily.
"In a sense yes, i asked him to meet us Here." vasily grumbles quietly to me. Angel goes to step up beside me, but I shuffle in her path. "Hold my love, Need to see first what we're dealing with."

"Seriously Vladimir, move before you piss me off its to early" she whispers at my back slowly moving her soft hand under my shirt touching my ribs, right before i feel a probing pain as she digs her claw nails into my side causing a burning pain that sets my blood ablaze.
" your going to regret that pet, just you wait and see" i say to her my eyes dark amber.

"Y'all relax, this one isn't dangerous in the shoot-us sense." vasily chuckles as he looks to us both. "Who is it?" I ask. Vasily doesn't answer though, he just starts walking toward our vehicles where the Benz has come to a stop at. As the back door opens, Stepping out of the car, an older man slowly straightens up with the aid of a golden cane. His hands are time-worn and decorated with healed over bruises And cuts and he has a thick bearded face that has streaks of grey. And the other side doors open revealing 3 more man all strapped with ar 15 assault rifles. That alone put me on high alert ‘cause in my line of business, you had to be careful of whom you let close to you. I guessed that angel read the expression on my face because her ass started clicking off the safety on one of her 9MM.

"Calm down brother, queen, relax, sit your hostile asses down, this is cane president of hells saints from California. Hes got some news about that weasel hector,” vasily said, smiling and rubbing his hands together.

“How do we know that we can trust them?” angel asked.

“Because i do,” vasily said and you trust my judgment. Sis.
“Good enough for me, what’s up? What do you got for me?” I said.
“Nice to finally meet the king himself its an honor truly, I’m cane and I run California west coast, I hear we have a mutual pain in the ass,” cane said, looking all of us in the eyes. “That pussy as bitch is living in his last days, I promise you that.” he continues.

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