your pregnant, no im not!

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A huge cloud of smoke darkens the sky behind me. The street is littered with chunks of stone and other debris. People run out of the surrounding buildings with looks of shock and worry on their faces. My foot presses hard on the gas and the engine of the car rumbles as I race away from the scene of the explosion. Once I’m a few blocks away, I manage to sneak a quick glance over at Vladimir He’s leaned back in his seat, wearing the biggest shit-eating grin on his face. I almost do a double take i thought he said there'd be no fun yet i see so much destruction that. I know he just intentionally left me out of it, and that pisses me off so much i gas the car more, id run this bitch off the rode but there’s so much traffic in front of me I’m afraid I’ll rear-end somebody an kill us both. How can he fucking leave me out after last night? After everything we've been through does he see me as weak now? My foot pushes harder on the gas, the need to get away from him causing my heart to beat frantically.

When he talked about damage control, I stupidly assumed he was blowing something up with no one in it. But I know there were people in that restaurant. I watched him walk an old lady out for fuck sake! That mean he knew people were going to die an he fucking denied me the pleasure of pulling the trigger with him. THIS FUCKING RUSSIAN ASSHOLE. Fury rises up in my throat and I have to swallow it back down a couple of times before I manage to ask, “So, how many people did you just kill without me?” Out of the corner of my eyes I see Vladimir shrug his shoulders nonchalantly, like the body count is no big deal.

“I’m not really sure, and i didnt leave you out my love the situation inside changed and i adapted to it.”
“seems like the situation always changes to your will( soul snatcher)?” I i mutter angerly.
I sense him stiffening beside me before his face twists into a dark, and mencing frown, its so dark i have to look away before im reeled in and burned alive, “dont let that pretty little mouth of yours, get you into some shit you cant get out of you've yet to take on my full wrath pet” he said calmly his voice icy.

Maybe i was pushing to much… but i cant help it he makes ne so angry when he leaves me out of the fucking loop… My hands tighten around the steering wheel, finding the grooves he’s already made in it when he drove this same car after finding me in the bottoms. “Angelmarie” he says, his voice heavy with a calmness that sends shivers down my spine.
“Pull over, now” I shake my head and my foot pushes harder on the gas. I can’t pull over. No, I can’t let him have the advantage right now, i know ill give in as soon as he trys to touch me, no i cant pull over not now.

I blow through three more lights, seriously considering pulling over, popping the door open and shoving his big ass out. Guns don’t work, nor do knives. He’s like some horror movie monster that can’t be killed, but.... I love this monster just the same hes my monster and i dont want him to change But then again, him leaving me out of shit will cause us both to go to war with eachother an thatll end up being a beautiful bloodbath.

“Take the next left,” he says, but I’m so stuck in my head I miss the turn. He repeats my name a few times, trying to get my attention as I think of all the ways I could kill him before he kills me or we kill eachother. I know he didn’t use all the C4. If I can get my hands on what’s in the back, I could shove it down his pants…
“ангел мари петровски” (angelmarie petrovski) he finally growls menacingly. My eyes snap to him breaking out of my own head when he shouts my name in Russian.
“Take the next left.NOW.” I’m half-tempted to take the next right out of sheer defiance, but one glance at his face has me submitting to his will, he not just pissed right now hes livid and all that anger is directed right at me. So yeah im not that crazy.
“Now take the next right,” he says after we drive down the road a mile or so. With a sigh, I hit the blinker and slow the car down as I pull us into a parking lot. He jerks his chin toward a dark building sitting at the edge of the lot. “Park in front of there.” I do exactly as he says. I pull into one of the empty spots in front of the building and then put the car in park. Releasing a deep breath, I stare ahead at the building. The place looks like some kind of grungy dive bar that went out of business the windows are busted and its boarded up. The sign reads: The black hole. I avoid glancing over at Vladimir as I wait for him to make the first move. I’m hoping he’ll get out without realizing I still have the car running. As if he knows exactly what I’m thinking, he reaches over and twists the keys out of the ignition. Damn.

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