fair exchange

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“Now that we’re all here, how I can help you… Felix?” i tell him as my guy circle my desk.

“It’s been an exciting week so far, for the both of us. Too much excitement. Perhaps we need to come to fair exchange,” felix says. “lets talk exchange after all the players are laid out on board, Natalia i know your there and im assuming your dickless son is also. Da?” i ask.

“You have property that i want an a woman that is not yours, give them to me an ill leave your city alone,” i hear him growl in the phone ignoring my mention of Natalia an his son.

“Ah, you speak my fucking territory and  miss Wolff right,” i says with a grin. “Yes,” he says. “Give her back to me, and ill leave your territories alone.” My eyes widen with anger as i listen to the nerve of this fucking cunt. A growl of anger begins to work through my throat. Then a strong hand grips my bicep, stopping me from smashing the phone to pieces. Turning i see ivan looks into my eyes as he says, “hes purposely playing on your anger my friend, he trying to make you lose focus” while i always appreciate his advice right now i care not for it.

"NO!!" I say in a dark voice that makes some of my men take a step back.

Angelmarie’s mine. Anyone who tries to take her will die. I won’t be creative in my killing, either. I’ll simply put a bullet through their heart and stop them dead.

“No?!” felix spits out through the line, and I can imagine his face turning beet red from his anger. “are you fucking def you cunt,” i says.

“I’ll fucking murder you all. All of your lives are forfeit.” felix screams at us through the phone not before i hear heel speed walk an a door close in the background.

All around me, the inner circle bristles with fury. It’s one thing to threaten them but you threatened my queen and there alpha they wont stand for that.

"its time to put this dog down"


. “Here’s my offer, bitch,” i says after a moment of quiet. “You will remove your men that havnt been slaughtered yet from my properties in the lower Citys that you've been sneaking around in”

“Done,” Felix says a bit too quickly.
“You will give us all the guns you plan on buying that you think we dont know about,”

“how the fuck did you—” he tries to say. “I’m not finished,” i snarls. “You will then along with all of your men get down on your knees like the Dick sucking bitch you are and beg my forgiveness before i let my men take turns torturing you and your useless men however they want. and then, when you reach hell, you will submit my name as your fucking Master.”

“I will fucking end you all,” Felix screams. “I will blow—” I push the disconnect button and looks to all of my men. “I want them all dead. I do not care how much blood is spilt the city will run red until They all die.” Nodding their heads at me, we look to vasily “The tracer failed. He’s hiding behind too many firewall layers. He used a satellite phone. Triangulating will be next to impossible,” he says with a sigh. “all Albanians die tonight, kill them all,” I say with a deep growl.



I Begged Vladimir for space, and now that I finally have it, I don’t know what to do with myself. The house is quiet and empty. Too fucking quiet and empty. Every little noise has me on edge. Every shadow is a person who i wants to put a bullet through. All alone with my thoughts, I feel like I’m going insane. I pace the rooms, the halls, passing time until he returns to me, and find myself missing his presence immensely. I try to convince myself it’s only because I feel safer with him, but it’s more that and i know it as my hand lightly touches my tummy after he left i ran to the bathroom an threw up again. Shaking my head at myself, I stop in the bedroom and stare down at the bed. His scent still lingers in the air, a raw, unapologetic masculine scent, and there’s an imprint in the shape of his huge body in the ruffled sheets. Reaching down, I trace the outline of his back, remembering that blissful moment of feeling safe. What we did last night, the things he said, the way he desperately thrust himself inside me and held me in his arms afterward… I think it’s completely broken me. Broken me in a way that can never be fixed. There was truth in the way our bodies joined, an unmistakable truth I can’t ignore or deny.

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