uncle benny

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As soon as i revved up that harley and left all i could feel was anger, anger and boiling rage, that bastard took me for a fucking joke id show him. After kicking his beast of a bike into high gear i floored it doing 200 mph while hitting about 9 different corner turns till i found myself deep in downtown new York slums, were even rock bottom was considered "upper class."

i parked vlads harley under a bridge underpass an stashed it in the corner behind a bush. Were no one could find it.

"I may not be fond of vlad right now but i appreciate a beautiful bike an its craftsmanship when i see one, and if i could, id keep this beautiful beast but im smarter then that and i knew a man like Vladimir had ways of tracking his bike and it would only be a matter of time before my location was found".

I hopped off the bike an looked around before i tosted the key into the creek before continuing the rest of the way on foot. I knew were i was going. Walking about 5 blocks north i stopped infront of a building that used to be a church, but from the people going in, and a red light coming out the interior door, I knew it wasn't.

"Do my eyes deceive me or has my 'petit lapin' (little bunny)returned to see her favorite uncle". A surprised voice boomed from the doors opening.

Before a stocky man with curly hair and honey brown skin with a goatee appeared, his left hand held a leather leash while a pale petite girl with platinum blond hair crawled an knelled head bowed at his feet.

"hows it going uncle benny, i see nothing has changed?" I said smirking eyeing his newest toy playfully.

" nope still the same whips,chains, sweat, and sex nothing new, come here gimme a hug petit lapin (little bunny). He said smiling.

I looked over to him, and Without a word, I moved inside from the cold night air, moving through the door i stepped over the blond seated at his feet careful not to step on her overlapping hands, placing myself directly infront of him i Allowed him to pull me into his hold and embrace me in a fatherly hug and grasped my head at the top laying it on his shoulder rocking me softly. I sighed in contentment as i breathed in his familiar scent while returning his embrace.
Out of every man I've encountered benny was the only one i trusted untill i met Vladimir that is. Benny or uncle benny as i call him was different he was like the father i never had, when we met he didnt want to fuck me, he didnt even try.

( recap )

"We met one night when i was in new york about 4 years back it was raining fucking pooring down hard, i was walking down the back ally headed home from a club i was bartending at it was about 3am just after closing and my shitty motel was only 2 blocks away so i walked to it instead of getting a taxi, when a drunk fuck thought it'd be a easy night to get some, "unwilling pussy", from a "seemingly helpless girl", bad idea!, needless to say he was choking on my switch blade before he could even pull my pants down. After i stood up drapped in the dumb fucks blood mixed with rain, i see benny come into the alley from the street side with a impressed look in his eyes.

We stood a few minutes just looking at each other before he told me he saw every thing, and the pussy had it coming.

Glancing down at the body he said he would take care of the clean up before pulling out his phone an making a quick call. Grabbing my wrist i glared at him switchblade still in my grip but i didnt strike him instead i let he ushered me into his black BMW, he brought me to this same club and lead me up stairs, he gave me dry warm clothes, and a room upstairs to stay the night in, and still he tried nothing never asked for anything he just helped me, from then on he always called me petit lapin  his (little bunny) an he was always my uncle benny.

Though benny is no saint himself, he knew i was mentally fucked up an he knew id killed people before the night we met. He told me in his famous words. "A killer recognizes a killer", still he loved me just the same, he never treated me differently or tried change me, hell he had his own demons he dealt with to this day.

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