story time

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Vladimirs face hardens as he stares down at me. His eyes are so dark, so cold, they're practically glinting like black glass. he just stares at me. He stares at me for so damn long, it goes beyond creepy. The air seems to chill around us, his cold expression sucking all the warmth out of the room, and I have plenty of time to wonder if I just played my last hand. He could kill me right now and no one would stop him. I have no protection. No one to help. No one to come to my rescue. Now, I all i have is his word that he would hear me out before he passes judgment. he said he loved me so my only shot is telling the truth. I've been alone so so long i cant see myself alone again i cant see myself with the man my soul looks at as its other half. We haven't even spoken any vows yet, but I'm completely and utterly at vlad's mercy. He can do anything and everything he wants to do to me an id let him.

Lowering my twin guns slowly never looking away from his cold gaze i feel myself slowly Sinking into the leather chair in front of his desk, i feel vasilys eyes on me but i cant tear or bring myself to look at anything or anyone but Vladimir. At this moment i wasnt about to have a conversation with Vladimir petrovski the mob boss an ace's leader. No this was the soul snatcher and he was look for me to make one wrong move.

The things I've learned about this man have haunted and tormented me since the night we danced on that dancefloor the very things that make him a terror to everyone around him make him a pussy magnet for me i cant get enough of the horror and terror i get being near him or the way my pussy pulses and drips seeing him soaked in blood call me phycho or crazy but i want all of this man.

I discovered while we had pillow talk between all the fucking and punishment during our alone time. he's not your typical Russian arms and drug dealer. No, he's so much worse than that. even in the eyes of the criminal underworld. His deeds go far beyond kidnapping, extortion, and even murder. They Go far beyond what's considered beyond the point of crazy. Most of his empire has been built on the success of his will to go beyond selling guns here and coke there its Built on the success of selling his blood crazed torture tactics and services to the highest bidder. It makes me shudder thinking about the lives lost at his hands. I cant help but find it all so beautiful So fucking beautiful and scary.

"My patience is wearing thin kitten now is time to talk before i make you a beautiful corpse" he calls out, a look of annoyance passing over his sharp features as he leaned over and moves to his cigar box and grabs one before lighting it. Every frantic beat of my heart comfort's me a little so i inhale before opening my mouth to speak.

"his name is hector salizar, i met him 6 years ago and he was the first man i EVER experimented before killing slowly and boiling his cock in bleach" i said with malice, not missing vasily shudder and palm his dick as if the thought alone gave him great pain.

Saying this name made me realize the hector i thought i had killed all those years ago had to be the same hector that sent these photo now. meaning the little prick was still alive and probably wants me dead after how i left him. So that explains why the photo were of me but how does Vladimir factor into this. Before i could could ponder my thoughts anymore, i heard a knock followed by an ivans familiar Russian voice on the other side of the door.

"boss the car is ready to leave and head for the air strip, also the doctor is waiting there to treat vasilys arm" ivans voice boomed.

"very well then, vasily head to the car and wait at the jet well catch up with you and tell the pilot wheels up in 2 hour". Vlad told him.

Choosing not to challenge his brothers words, vasily rose slowly gripping his arm as the pain grew almost unbearable. As he made his way to the door giving angel a lingering look.

The floor is yours kitten, tell me your dealings with hector an why he would send these picture to me," Vladimir says, the corners of his lips pulling up as his attention returns to me. His eyes gleam with menacing kinda pleasure, and I have the sudden, almost irresistible urge to put a hot one in his shoulder to whip that look right off his face but instead I just stare back at him.

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