untill death do us part

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“Cream and sugar?” jill asks as she pours fresh coffee into a mug for me. “Yes, please,” I respond distractedly, too busy looking around and trying to wrap my head around this situation. Is this really happening? Am I really sitting in this upscale kitchen, surrounded by sparkling stainless steel appliances, with an older seasoned woman that gives off motherly vibes? It feels too strange to be real i havnt felt a motherly affection from someone in so long it scares me how she acts with me, it feels dare i say nurturing in a way. Jill adds a little cream and sugar and slides the mug over to me. I pick it up, saying, “Thank you,” and take a tentative sip. The coffee is almost too hot, but my body’s response to the heat is reassuring. As I set the mug back down, though, I notice the lettering wrapping around it. Coffee before bullshit. Yeah… sweetheart or not miss jill is gangsta no doubt about it.

“Angelmarie?” jill says, the thick concern in her voice pulling my attention back to her. “Are you okay? I’ve heard you had quite the day…” I stare at her face for a moment, trying to determine if she’s being sincere or just curious. She’s older but quite beautiful, stunning really even at 65, I realize. Even with her lips pulled down and her eyes narrowed with worry i cant help but feel a pull to her like i can talk to her, like really talk and she'd listen.

“Yeah miss jill, you can say that again it actually been i crazy couple of week's.” I sigh and reach for the mug again. Jill's eyes flick down to the mug and back up to my face, the concerned look still firmly in place. “Perhaps something a little stronger is in order?” I pause with the mug in midair then quickly put it back down and push it toward her. “ ill have whatever you drinking miss jill.” she smiles an nods and moves around the gleaming granite kitchen island. Bending down, she disappears from my sight and I hear bottles clinking together. “I hope your not a light weight?” she asks. “nahh i dont mind drinking you under a table,” I reply with a small laugh. Her politeness is replaced with a playful banter.

" not even the men around here can do that, ive drank that big brute bullet into a corner and left him there till morning, but thats a story for another time." she said laughing.

Why. Couldnt i have a mother like her? One that acually gives a shit, oh well id probably still turn out a fucking nutcase! My mind voices as i watch Her blonde head reappears and she walks back to me with a bottle of amber liquid clutched in her hand. Untwisting the lid, she tops mine an her mug off and gives me a smile as she stirs her cup. “no tell me how you and that knucklehead of a man vlad met,” she asked before picking her mug back up and quickly gulping from it. “we kinda just found each other in a way. Deciding i dont need to bullshit her i start from the beginning. I don’t need to sugarcoat it to her she seems like the mother figure to all the guys here.

“we met at a club i worked in at the time i didnt know he owned it. One minute im on the dancefloor the next i found myself in his arms.  To be honest i tried running from him not cause i was scared of who he is or out of fear of him i was scared of the feeling he gave me. ” jill’s eyes grow wide, and they only grow wider and wider as I give her every detail, not leaving anything out. Except the sex. As I tell my story, I notice her glancing wistfully at the bottle of whiskey, as if just hearing what happened with me and him makes her need a drink. But for whatever reason she never reaches for the bottle. When I finally wrap things up quickly and end the story by spreading my hands and saying, “And now I’m here.” Jill nods her head slowly and glances at the bottle again. I reach out and nudge it toward her, but she shakes her head.

"Ive had enough my dear." When I arch my brow, she explains, “i can tell you now you both are mentally fuck up individuals but no matter how fucked up an insane you both are you seem to compliment each in a way one could almost discribe as joker and Harley Quinn. Or maybe a mentally insane bonnie and Clyde” jill laughed to herself, with that as her last statement, she grabbed her mug finishing it off. Before she says have a good night Angelmarie dear.

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