whats his name.

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I sat in the darkness of the warehouse, waiting, my gun in my left hand finger resting next to the trigger an my right resting loosely around my womans hips as she sat on my leg. She played with my hairs tips while she had her head resting against my neck. My eyes fixed on the rolling door that would open soon and bring to me what I'd been looking for.
My gun gleamed in the dim lighting begging to be used but tonight it was simply to get things started. I had a bag full of tools and treats for the four men who would be dragged in soon, scared and desperate for their lives. In the past 12 hours my boys had basically turned newyork upside down an right before i was to be ball deep in my womans cunt I had gotten information on who was behind the shootouts at my club in the alley. It had taken more time then i wanted to obtain what I needed.

10 men had been hired to try an take me an my crew out an during the shooting 4 had managed to slither passed my men and run. Now that they were found i wanted to personally know who'd thought they were brave enough to stand up to my ace's MC and the king of new york himself.

I'd let some of my boys spend some "quality" time with each man. Each of them obtaining a souvenir of their choice.
. money, jewelry, a limb if you wanted one.
I believe jigsaw had taken one man's finger after he flipped him off.

Now that my men had had there fun it was my turn an that bring us to back to me Waiting on the 4 men who were making a play to take over my Fucking territory. Usually id just flat out let my boys kill them, but they'd put my woman in danger that night they shot at me. So that made this shit personal now killing them wasnt enough, now i wanted to prove to my Angelmarie that I could protect her, that this life was worth being by my side and sticking around for.
Not that she had a fucking choice.

If she wanted to even try leaving me, Id fuck that thought right out of her head.

But first I had to take care of the threat to our empire. The door to the warehouse rolled up and I waited until I saw the shadows of the 4 men before I released my hold on my womans hips and I rose from my chair and walked over to the men who were all moaning and whimpering in pain, looking then over my men left them severly fucked up some unrecognizable. I kicked the closest one to me in the stomach. Gesturing to them, I called my boys to me.
" vasily get the tables and grab my tools, jigsaw, ivan, manuel, tank, and bullet, grab a body an make them comfortable."
each man set about to follow my instructions.
Once each one had been placed on top of the 4 metal table, I smiled and clapped my hands together.
"Well, gentlemen. I'd say I'm sorry we had to meet like this, but since you all enjoy banging at deaths door, I figured you were owed a little surprise visit from the owner himself. So welcome..." I spread my arms outwards as the door to the warehouse was rolled down, dark classical music was playing loudly on the sound system, and the lights were turned on. I laughed as the men got a good look at what was to come my tools ranged from surgical to axes an chainsaws everything was a device of torture that fed my inner psychopath that love to come out and play on occasions like this.

"We're going to play a game, the four of you versus my men and I," I said calmly.
walking over to where vasily had placed the tools I'd required especially for this conversation.
"I'm going to ask you all some questions, whoever answers first, and answers honestly. I will offer you a quick death. But everyone else? Well..." I chuckled menacingly, idly playing my fingers over the handles of my instruments.
"Let's just say, I've got all night to learn how the human body works, one limb at a time."
One of the four men on the table whimpered, then pissed himself. I shook my head, tsking.

"Well, that's not very manly is it boys?" I asked rhetorically.
"I mean Why the fuck would you piss your pants?
I grabbed a scalpel and a pair of pliers and strode over to him, grabbing his bottom lip.
"Do you know why in the fuck you all would have the balls to come after me or the ace's?" I growled.

"ppplease it was all for money," he sobbed. I nodded.

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