broken and mine

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Angelmarie felt no type of relief as she watched Vladimir disappear from the doorway. Tick tock, what the fuck does that mean. She thought.

while slowly removing her clothes making her way to the queen sized bed Leaning back into the pillows, she focused on not falling asleep but it was hard the car ride and tense silence was all so draining, her eyes grew droopy until she fell into Dreamland her fucked up subconscious taking over. Hours later, light rustling of heavy footsteps sounded throughout the room

"Tick tock, times up kitten." Angel's brow jumped in her sleep as a deep voice spoke within the darkness of the room. She tried to sit up, but she was too tired.  Her head was pounding, and her limbs felt like cement. Dark laughter pierced the unlit room, and angel rolled over, eyeing the dark night filled room. She saw a pitch-black figure standing near the foot of the bed, fear growing in her chest.

"Time for you to see the monster your forever destined to be with baby." She heard the figure say as she fought to keep her eyes open, only to feel a needle prick her neck, causing her eyes to get heavy as she drifted off to sleep.

Angelmarie pov...

I felt all my senses heighten as I began opening my eyes, i eyelids felt so heavy like something was weighing them down. I looked around the serialized steel room i was in trying to figure out where I was, it smelt of bleach and looked to have just been cleaned. Fuckkkkkk.... I groaned out trying to move my stiff hands from above my head, discovering they were bound in cuffs and my wrists were raw. V...vl-ladd.... Fuck my thought was so dry it felt like a desert in my mouth, when I heard a cracking sound before I screamed BLOODY FUCKING MURDER. I tried moving but my hands wouldnt budge. I felt like my back was on fire. I turned my head just as I felt another hit on my back. From my side view I saw Vladimir holding what looked like a whip made of leather. A thin sheen of sweat was under his shirt which made me wonder if he was aroused by my pain. I stilled as the whip made contact with my back legs, making me scream out. it hurt so damn much. I felt the burning pain everywhere its was searing my skin.

"Vladimir, Vladimir please stop baby please." I begging.

I was only in my panties and strapless bra my hair was hanging loosely around my head vlad had placed it like an open curtain over both shoulders so my back was open to him, Every inch of my body was open to him and his abuse and every inch of my body hurt so much I coughed trying to catch my breath. I had no energy I was just dangling from a cable. The tips of my feet slightly touching the ground. The strikes only got harsher my broken sobs filled the metal room as vlad continued, he never stopped. I felt the whip bruising my skin to the point i felt the deep welts apearing everywhere. I screamed so loud I thought I was going to go deaf yet vlad never faltered.

This went on for about an hour, My screams were reduced to whimpers. My body was at its breaking point, and i mind was slipping into a Headspace were i was mixing the pain an getting a feeling of pleasure from it. Instead of Vladimir taking pity on me he was getting fuelled up by my pleas for mercy.


After i injected her with a sleeping agent, i pick up her limp body from the bed i took tо my basement that i had transformed into my own punishment room, a room made of steel were id bring a few female that i wanted to gear scream before i slaughtered them like cattle. But i wont kill my queen ii only plan to break her fucking stubbornness, she would learn that her life was not her own anymore it was mine, just as mine was hers. She was my everything and i was her fucking sanity its time she learned that.

when wе gоt tо the basement stairs, i held her in my arms while looking around my ' fun room', smirking.

rеgаrdlеѕѕ оf my woman body  surrendering to me untill her mind fully did the same she'd always be stubborn to my authority, and ѕuсh stubborn rеѕіѕtаnсе wаrrаntеd punishment. She wоuld hаvе to suffer and break under my administration before I took her back home an presented her to the entire underworld as my queen.

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