Chapter 79

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From this day on, Jing Ci suddenly became busy. The phone was answered one by one, and he ran out from time to time.

Yingjiao originally thought it was the Jing family who was harassing him again, but occasionally took a look at the caller ID several times and saw that it was all Teacher Liu, so he didn’t ask much. After all, Jing will go to Yangcheng for training after resigning, probably for this.

Jing Ci breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Yingjiao had no doubt.

In fact, the caller is not Teacher Liu, but the lawyer of the law firm. It’s just that he wanted to give Yingjiao a surprise, fearing that he would find out in advance, so he changed the remarks.

Speaking of which, he learned this trick from Yingjiao. At that time, they had just met. In order to allow himself to agree to be at the same table with him, Yingjiao deliberately changed his nickname to Liu Shichen, so that he mistakenly believed that the person who was talking was Teacher Liu.

Jing Ciqing couldn’t help but smile. He was really angry at the time, but now when think about it, it’s all sweet.

Jing Ci had good luck. After discussing everything with the lawyer, his scholarship arrived in time. After paying the money and submitting all the required information to the lawyer to entrust the agent, the big stone in Jing Ci’s heart finally fell to the ground.

By coincidence, on the afternoon of the scholarship, Mr. Liu really called him. Tell him that you have something to do, and the call is not clear, let him come out.

Jingci agreed and rode to school on a bicycle that was winning arrogance.

As the Spring Festival is approaching, the first year and second year of high school have gone home to Sa Huan during the holiday, and only the third year of high school is still struggling in the sea of ​​questions. The school was a lot quieter, Jing Ci locked the bicycle and ran straight to the office.

Teacher Liu arrived a long time ago. He was looking at his mobile phone. He raised his head when he heard the movement. He saw Jing Ci, a smile appeared on his face, and he patted the chair next to him: “Come here very quickly.”

Jing Ci sat down beside him, a little embarrassed and said: “Winning Jiaojia is close to the school.”

It seemed that the two got along well, and Teacher Liu was relieved. Without asking more, he continued: “I am looking for you this time for the training team. Teacher Zhao has been busy recently, so let me tell you.”

Jing Ci sat down immediately.

“Nineteen people will be selected in the first round of selection, and six people will be selected in the last round. You should have known about this before.” Seeing Jingci nodded, Teacher Liu continued: “Because these six people represent the national team. Participating in international competitions, so it’s not just about the results.”

Teacher Liu was afraid that he would miss something, and his speaking speed was much slower than usual: “It depends on the overall quality, emotional intelligence and English.”

“I don’t worry about the others. You are stable and have a good psychological quality. You never lose the chain at critical moments,” Teacher Liu once said: “It’s just that your personality is a little cold.”

Teacher Liu said painstakingly: “When you get to the training team, you will be a little bit more enthusiastic about the teacher and the students around you. Let’s not talk about getting on the pole, at least you can’t make them think you are too cold.”

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