37. Consultation

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    A blush crept into her cheeks before she could stop it. "Besides, Wynter and I want some time to ourselves after we're married. We might even have children of our own someday. Wouldn't you rather have more cousins to play with than siblings to look after?"

    Mina and Micah grimaced at one another. "I'll say," Micah huffed.

    "You'll still come and see us, even if we live with Colette and Cyrus, right?" Mitsi asked.

    "Of course." Elodie squeezed her tightly. "And I'm sure you'll spend a lot of time here."

    Mitsi's lower lip jutted out as she thought. "Okay. I don't mind staying with Colette and Cyrus. They're nice. Cyrus carries me on his shoulders like Father used to. Colette..." Tears flooded Mitsi's gaze. "Colette feels like a mama. Like how a mama should be. Not how our mother was." Mitsi stared at Elodie. "Am I bad for saying that."

    "No." Elodie held her tighter still, kissing her hair. "You're not bad for saying that, Mitsi."

    Mitsi closed her eyes as she buried her face in Bongo. Elodie glanced at Mina and Micah. Their eyes were shining too. A few tears ran down Mina's cheeks, but Micah was doing his best not to let his fall. Elodie sighed, rubbing Mitsi's shoulder. It would be years before her cousins really understood what had happened, and maybe years after that before they truly began to recover from what they'd gone through.

    "Mina, Micah, what do you think?" Elodie asked.

    Mina gave a slow nod. "If you think we'll be safe from Father there, I'll go."

    Both of them turned to Micah. "I suppose they'll make me do my schoolwork," he grunted. "But I probably shouldn't leave these two on their own." Elodie nodded with a small smile. "All right."

    Elodie's smile grew wider. "I'll tell Colette and Cyrus. They'll be so excited."


    Wynter sat across from his parents, keeping himself shielded as they spoke. He didn't want them to notice his changed scent before they'd discussed everything regarding the announcement ceremony and what would follow. He was nervous about how his parents would react, and what they would say after they found out how long he'd known, even before the Bond formed.

    "...will be on the palace steps, so you can easily leave if things get out of hand," Kallias finished, drawing Wynter out of his thoughts. "Did you hear me, Wyn?"

    Wynter nodded. "Mother and I will be in the foyer. I'll escort her out after your introduction speech. We'll all remain on the landing of the stairs, within easy reach of the doors so I can disappear if protestors arrive."

    Kallias smiled. "Good. Be here a few minutes before the ceremony begins."

    "Do we need to make arrangements for Elodie?" Viviane asked, knitting her brows. Her hands rested on her stomach, which was looking rounder with every passing day.

    "I don't think so. She'll be with Colette and her cousins, somewhere in the crowd," Wynter replied.

    The idea didn't sit well with him, even though it was his to begin with. He'd discussed it with Ellie the night prior. He didn't want her in the public eye with him until after the pregnancy was announced, so he could see how the people reacted.

    If there was a good reaction, with little backlash towards him, perhaps they could soon make their engagement known. If there was a bad reaction towards him, he didn't want Ellie caught in the middle of it already. Cyrus and Alastair would be with her, just in case Ebner or Julian made an appearance.

    "Then that's all we had to go over with you," Kallias said. "Do you...want to stay for dinner?"

    Wynter smiled, but shook his head. "I need to get home. I don't want to leave Ellie, Colette, and the children alone for too long. But before I go..." Wynter drew in a deep breath and let his shield fall. "I have something to tell you."

    Kallias and Viviane stared at him, eyes wide with surprise, delight, and a small hint of caution. "She...she's your mate," Viviane stammered. "She's your mate!" She jumped to her feet, ignoring Kallias' admonishing look. "Congratulations, my Darling!" She moved towards Wynter, arms outstretched as though she meant to hug him. Viviane paused, a look of confusion and regret crossing her features.

    Wynter stood quickly and drew his mother into a tight embrace. Viviane's breath caught as she wrapped her arms around him. "Yes, she's my mate," Wynter murmured. He sat down again a moment later. Viviane's eyes glistened with unshed tears. "I knew she was when I first saw her."

    "You've never carried the scent of a Mating Bond before," Kallias pointed out.

    "Because the Bond wasn't complete. It only snapped into place three days ago, the first time we..." He trailed off, knowing his parents would catch on.

    "Like father, like son," Viviane snickered, elbowing Kallias. He merely rolled his eyes. "Do you have any plans for a mating ceremony?"

    Wynter shook his head. "We haven't spoken about the Bond at all. I don't even know if Ellie knows what it is. We are engaged though. I proposed the morning after."

    "This is serious, Son. You need to talk to her about it," Kallias said. "It won't be long before someone finds out you have a mate. People will be demanding to know who she is, and if Elodie doesn't know that's what the Bond is, that won't be a very good way for her to find out."

    "I know," Wynter sighed.

    "Why are you reluctant to talk about it?" Viviane asked.

    "For the same reason I don't want her introduced as my fiancée yet. I don't want her to be dragged into anything that might come following the announcement tomorrow. I've feared this from the very beginning. She doesn't deserve to have her name attached to mine, and thus attached to the peoples' hatred of me."

    There was another reason too, but not one he could share with his parents. The only person he had shared it with so far was Mikael. One of the most ancient and sacred traditions following the formation of a Mating Bond was when the female offered food to her mate. Sometimes, she simply prepared the food for him. Other times she fed him with her own hand. The latter was more commonly used, and it was yet another thing Melantha had done to him.

    He'd tried to refuse her, but was forced to relent after she threatened to take food away from his fellow prisoners. Melantha had fed him, and then made him service her, as one would their mate. She hadn't known that he already had a mate then. It was just another ploy to break his will.

    It had worked, because she stole that sacred tradition he'd reserved his entire life, on the rare chance that he would meet his soul's other half. And he had met her, but then Melantha stole that tradition, that honor, from both of them. Ellie didn't even know, and Wynter's stomach churned with self revulsion when he thought about trying to tell her.

    Viviane leaned forward, touching his hand. "Are you with us, Wynter?"

    He blinked rapidly, realizing he'd been lost in thought. "I'm sorry. I was... What did you say?"

    "We understand your hesitation," Kallias repeated, "but you must also think about her. She is your mate. She will soon be your wife. As such, she needs to know what she might face."

    "What if..." Wynter began.

    "She will not leave you," Viviane interrupted. "I know very little about her, but from the limited amount of time I've spent with her, I know this. She is not a coward, and she cares very deeply about you. She'll be beside you every step of the way, no matter what you face, just as you have been for her."

    "Tell her, Wynter. Tell her soon," Kallias urged. All Wynter could do was nod.

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