My Second Chance

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I groaned as my alarm went off.

"Shhhuuuuttt uuuupppp! Ugh!" I twisted to put it off...

And fell off the bed.

"Ouch." I rubbed my head.

I stood up from the tangle of bedsheets and got my foot caught in the blanket and fell again.

"Oh, come on!"

Suddenly, the bedroom door burst open.

"Kim! Dear, are you okay?"


"Hey, Pascale. Sorry, did I wake you up?"

"Oh, no. Definitely not. I was making breakfast, but then I heard a thud from here, and I thought you had dropped something but then I heard you... Do you need some ice?"

I rubbed my head again.

"No, I'm fine. Thank you. I'm sorry about disturbing you!"

"That's okay. As long as you're fine, it's all good. Why don't you wash up for breakfast, now? Meet me downstairs. I don't think the boys are up, though."

I smiled.

"I'll be down in 5."

Pascale winked at me and left.

Sighing at my stupidity, I untangled myself from the bedsheets and headed to the bathroom, where I quickly washed up and changed.

Then, I ran down the stairs, towards the kitchen.

"Hey, Pascale!"

"Kim! That was fast!"

I grinned.

"Would you like some coffee?"


"No! Sorry, you don't drink coffee, do you? Hot chocolate, right? Gimme a minute."

"How'd you know?"

Pascale laughed.

"I did my homework, dear. I'm very particular when it comes to guests. Especially guests who may become members of the family."

I blushed.

Pascale handed me a cup of hot chocolate.

"Let me know if it's not to your tastes. I'm sure I'll be able to fix it."

I smiled at Pascale and took a sip.

"Pascale... This is great! I love it!"

"Aww, you're too sweet. Thank you. What else will you have with that? Pancakes, toast, egg?"

My eyes widened.

"That is a large spread. Let me help you."

"Oh, yeah. The boys all eat pancakes, but I wasn't sure about you, so I stocked up on everything."

"Thank you, Pascale. But please, don't treat me specially. Arthur's kinda right, you know. I'm not a fan of being a guest. Please, let me help out."

Pascale looked at me for a moment, but sighed.

"Fine, I'll let you help. But the special treatment still stands."

I laughed.

"I don't think there's any further bargaining I can do, is there?"

"No, there's not. Come on, now. The pancakes are waiting. Can you cook them?"

I nodded, and took my place at the stove.

Then, Pascale threw some batter on the pan, and I waited for it to cook before I flipped it.

Round after round we went, working in silence.

"Do you want me to take over?" Pascale asked.

"No, that's okay. I've got it."

Then, about 10 minutes later, we were done.

And just in time, because Charles came down for breakfast.

"Good morning, Charles." His mother greeted.

"Good morning, ma."

"Sleep well?"

He nodded, then, he saw me.

"Good morning, love." He headed over and pecked me on my lips.

"Good morning, Charles."

"How long have you been up?"

"About an hour. I fell off the bed, because of my alarm, so I decided it was pointless going back to sleep. Then Pascale heard me, so she called me down for breakfast."

Charles' mouth made an 'o'.

"Wait, you fell off the bed?" He asked, with a growing smile on this face.

"Yes... Why?" I said, hesitantly.

"Nothing." He said, quickly.

"Oh, come on. I know when there's something you want to say, so just say it."

His grin grew wider before he spoke.

"Fine. D-did you fall for me?"

He burst out laughing, while I just stared at him.

"That, was such a bad joke."

"I agree." Said Pascale, appearing out of nowhere.

Charles wiped his eyes from laughing so hard.

"It was not."

"It was actually, Charles. I'm sorry, but..."

Charles smirked.

"Fine then, if it was a bad joke, I get a kiss out of you."

I leaned over and kissed him, with no hesitation.

And when I pulled away, his eyes had widened a lot.

"That bad, huh?"

"The worst."

Charles smiled and shook his head.

I leant over and kissed him again, this time whispering an 'I love you' in his ear. Charles retorted with the same thing.

And I couldn't help but think back to the first time I had really spoken to him. The time we watched the dance in the sky.

I smiled, promising myself I'd do anything to keep the life I had right now, because losing this time was just not worth it. And I'd hold myself to my promise. I wasn't going to let it all get away again.

I didn't think I'd be able to handle it.

Plus, why forsake a second chance?

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