The Grand Entrance!

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The chauffeur brought the car upto the entrance of the hall and stopped it before getting out and opening our doors for us.

He helped Addie out of the car, and then he helped me.

Smiling, I thanked him.

"No problem, madam. I was asked to inform you that your dates would be waiting near the hall doors for you. They have arrived already."

"Dates?" Addie asked me.

The chauffeur nodded.

"Yes, Mr. Norris and Mr. Leclerc."

Addie stood in shocked silence for a moment before she squealed.

"Come on then! We can't keep them waiting!"

Addie rushed inside, leaving me.

I laughed at her giddy excitement.

"Thank you again, sir!"

He nodded. Then just as he was leaving, he turned to face me.

"You look wonderful tonight, Miss."

I blushed.

"Thank you."

"The pleasure is all mine."

I smiled at him one last time, and then pushed the door opened and entered.

A bunch of waiters and waitresses guided me along to the hall doors, where sure enough, Addie, Lando and Charles stood, talking.

The conversation between them halted the moment I came into view.

And Lando and Charles' jaws dropped.

Addie giggled and clapped her hands. Not in the least bothered that her date was staring at me.

"You-you look..." Charles started.


"No, beautiful. Not as beautiful as Addie, but close."

Ah, now I knew why Addie wasn't bothered. Lando was really sweet.

Charles just stood there, still staring at me.

"You're drooling." I remarked.

That snapped him out of his daze.

"No, I'm not!"

I laughed.

"No, you weren't! I just had to get you to stop staring."

"Nothing will stop me from staring at you!"

"Don't make it weird."

"No, that came out wrong."

"You made it weird."

Someone tapped me on the shoulder.

"Are you Kim Imani?"

I turned.

A waiter and waitress stood there.

"That's me. Is something wrong?"

The waitress shook her head.

"They've asked me to tell you that you can enter now. Just you and Mr. Leclerc, though. They," she pointed to Addie and Lando. "Have to use another entrance."

I nodded.

Then she gave the waiter behind her a thumbs up and he headed toward Addie and Lando.

Addie realised what was happening and she waved to me.

"Good luck!"

I grinned.

"You too!"

Then she and Lando were led away by the waiter. Leaving just me and Charles.

"Your eyes changed colour, again?"

I sighed.

"Yes, and I didn't have anytime to do anything about it. So, as far as concerns go, I'm wearing contacts because it looks good with the dress."


A moment of silence passed.

"So, are you ready for your first public appearance?"

I grimaced.

"I'm nervous."

"So am I. Just don't think about it." He offered me his arm and I looped mine through it.

"Ready?" He asked, softly.

I paused for a moment.


Together, we pushed open the heavy doors and walked in.

My eyes took a second to adjust to the blinding lights.

But when I could see again, I gasped.

The hall was beautiful. It had a high ceiling with a large, intricate chandelier hanging from it. The people that surrounded us cleared a path for us, straight to the heart of the crowd, where Mattia and the rest of Ferrari waited for us.

"Ladies and gentlemen, presenting the faces of Ferrari for the new season, please welcome Kim Imani and Charles Leclerc!"         

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