The Speech

650 14 4

I tapped the mic gingerly, willing my nervousness to go away.

Taking a deep breath, I steeled my nerves.

Then, I plastered a smile (as genuine as I could muster) on my face and began.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! My name is Kim Imani Mae, I'm the new driver for Ferrari this year. Honestly, I can't wait for the new season to start. I'm sure it's not just me, but every driver in this room who'll agree with me when I say, there's just something about going 300 miles an hour in a very complex bag of bolts that sets your life in perspective and leaves you reeling on an adrenaline high."

The audience laughed, and my smile grew more genuine.

"It is though! Anyways, firstly I'd like to thank all of you for coming tonight, and for giving Ferrari the pleasure of hosting this year's 'Start of Season' gala. This is a huge honour to such a tradition associated giant, and we are very pleased. So, thank you again. Then, I would like to thank Ferrari themselves, for giving me the chance to race for them this year. I am truly excited to begin this season with Ferrari, and to me, right now, nothing could be better. Lastly, I would like to thank the people I've worked very closely with these past few days. So, to Addie, Charles, Mattia, Carson and Kymara, a huge heartfelt thank you to you guys as well. I can't wait to meet my new opponents on the track, and work with my new family (I'm now offically Kim Ferrari)-"

The audience laughed again.

"And hopefully, win both the driver's and constructor's championships this year. I look forward to seeing you all soon, (in my rear view mirrors, hopefully) and spending the whole season with you guys. Thank you and enjoy the party!"

The audience chuckled again and erupted into applause.

I grinned, bowed and walked off the lectern.

"That was very well done, Kimmy!"

Charles said, giving me a high five.

"très bien!"

Someone said behind me.

I turned. What was up with people at this party and appearing behind me?

"Hey Kim!"

I felt myself grinning.

"Hey Arthur! You're here too?"

Arthur smirked.

"Oh yes, I was hand picked to join the party!"

I laughed.

"Of course you were. You look really good by the way."

"Oh, please! Nothing in comparison to you, mademoiselle. You look absolument magnifique!"

I rolled my eyes at him.

"What is up with the French? I can barely understand anything your saying!"

Charles laughed.

"Are you trying to flirt with her?"

Arthur turned red.


I laughed.

"You're too cute, Arthur. But here's a question for you. How old are you?"

"20 turning 21 this year. I know I'm probably younger than you but, maybe I still have a chance?"

"Younger than who? I'm the same age as you."

"What? I thought you were 24 or something! Or maybe even 30..."

I scowled and slapped him playfully.

"30, Arthur? I -in no ways of the world- look that old, okay? You're just being rude!"

Charles laughed at the two of us.

But then we were interrupted. And by interrupted, I mean I was assaulted.

"Kim! That was awesome!"

I'll give you one guess. It starts with 'A' and ends with 'delaide'.

Guessed it? Great job. Then you'll know the name of my attacker. Oh, and her date!

But thankfully her date didn't attack me. Things would have gotten messy otherwise.

"Where have you guys been? I was looking all over for you!" I asked.

"Yeah, sorry. We ran into Lando's boss and some other people. Oh hey, Arthur! How are you? I haven't seen you for sometime!"

My mouth formed an 'o'. Then just as Charles was about to say something, another person joined our little party.

"Hey again, Lewis..." I chuckled awkwardly. Lewis stared at me.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?"

Thinking fast, I pushed Charles in front of me.

"Go, Charles! He wants to talk to you!" I hid my face in my hands, peeking through the gaps in my fingers.

Both men looked at me, unimpressed.

"Oh! Were you talking to me?"

"Are you serious right now?"

I sighed.

"Fine. Guys, just excuse me for a minute, please."

The truth is, I knew exactly what Lewis wanted to talk about, and cowardly me just didn't want to face it.

Me and Lewis walked out of the hall, away from the crowds.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked.

"Me? Oh, nothing. I just wanted to ask you what the hell you were thinking!"

I winced.

"Do we have to do this now?"

Lewis paused in fake thought.

"What do you think?"

Mechanic To Master (An F1 Fanfic) {Under Re-writing}Where stories live. Discover now