Good Bye... (Temporarily)

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"Hey Kim."

"Hey, Kimmy."

"Aunty Kim!" Irene launched herself onto my bed and hugged me tightly, while I tried my best not to scream out in pain.

"Irene, please let go of aunty Kim, you're hurting her. A lot." Addie said.

"Oh my gosh!" Irene sprang back. "I'm so sorry, aunty Kim."

"It's okay, Irene. We can rub noses instead."

Irene nodded vigourlessly and rubbed her nose on mine.

"Are you better now?" She asked with a frown.

I nodded.

"A little bit. Don't worry, though, I'll be fine."

She smiled and turned to Addie and Charles.

"Why are you so quiet? Oh, the adults want to talk?"

Addie nodded.

Irene sighed. "I'll just exchuse myself then. Bye aunty Kim. Get well soon."

"Thank you Irene, I'll call you soon."

She nodded and left. I stared at the door, sad to see her go.

She was my excuse to procrastinate. Now, I had no excuse.

I sighed, turning back to Charles and Addie

"So, what did the doctor say?"

"He said I needed a lot of rest to recover. I'm also being stuffed with a heck load of painkillers. But, he can't really do anything else. The burns and broken bones will have to heal on their own."

"That statement is incomplete." Addie remarked.

I sighed.

"It is. The doctor is helpless in this case, but I'm not."

"What do you mean?" Charles asked.

"Because of my magic, my body goes through a 'heal itself process'. But for that, I need to be unconcious. Or, be asleep to be more accurate."

"Which means you'll have to face-"

"Nightmares." I finished for Addie.

"And six months worth of exhaustion."

"I can work through that. Because if the maths adds up, then that would be exactly one week of me being asleep. It's a win-win-win-win."

Addie paused.

"The first win will be that you'd have recovered completely. The second that you'll have dealt with the exhaustion problem, and the third that your nightmares won't bother you anymore. What's the fourth?"

"That I'll be alright in time for the first race after the summer break!" I said, grinning.

"What?!" Charles asked, shocked. "You've just had one of the worst crashes in the history F1 and you're already planning your return?!"

"Yes." I said indifferently. "I don't see the issue."

"No, of course you don't. You have Lauda blood in you, don't you?" Charles asked, laughing slightly.

"Do I have to remind you guys again?" I asked.

"No!" Addie and Charles exclaimed together.

I smiled sadly.

"Is something wrong, Kim?" Addie asked.

I shook my head.

"I'm just thinking... What if I'm not strong enough to put up with my nightmares? Wow, I sound ridiculous right now."

"No. You don't. Tell her Addie."

"Tell me what?"

"The whole track, the paddock, the fanstands, the assistants, everyone are having this huge thing in your honour. They've called you the strongest and bravest girl alive. They've praised you, they've raised money for your treatment, everything. All in the span of a few short hours. They know you are strong, and if not, they wouldn't have gone to all this trouble to help you. Hell, we wouldn't have cared. Remember I told you Kim, that a whole part of your life was shown to me the day of the 'Lando' incident? I thought you were strong then. But now? With everything that's happened, I don't think I can look at you any other way. The word strong defines you. And nobody can deny that."

Charles nodded in agreement, and Addie gently wiped a tear from my face.

"We'll be here when it's over. And whenever else you need us. We're not going to let you do this alone, Kim. Remember that."

I nodded silently, and my hands went to the chain around my neck.

"Thank you, guys."

I lowered myself comfortably onto the bed.

"I just have a few things to ask you guys. Will you come back exactly a week from now? I'll get up at this time."

Charles and Addie nodded their heads.

"Also, this chain, I'm giving it to you guys, because there's no one I trust more than you. Don't let anyone use it. It will kill them. The minute I take it off, I'm going to fall asleep, so I'm going to need you to grab it from me."

Addie nodded again.

"Anything else?"

I smiled.

"Can you get me one of those 'Do Not Disturb' signs for my door, please? I've always wanted to sleep under the protection of one."

Addie grinned.

"Of course, you do. Is that it?"

"Yep. Thank you. Both of you. You guys are amazing."

"You're amazing too, Kim." Addie said.

"Totally. We'll see you soon."

I grinned at them one last time and pulled off the chain.

I collapsed immediately, and my conciousness faded into black.

And I'd wake up...

A week later.

Mechanic To Master (An F1 Fanfic) {Under Re-writing}Where stories live. Discover now