Night Fights and Questions

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I climbed the last flight of stairs to the fourth floor, and headed down the corridor to my room.

As I neared the door, I could hear faint sounds of the TV. At least they were in the room.

I knocked on the door.

The patter of small footsteps sounded on the other side of the door, and it swung open.

"Aunt Kimmy!" Irene squealed.

I felt myself grin, as I picked her up and rubbed noses with her.

"Hey, love. Are you ready for bed?"

She nodded.

"Me and uncle Shal had so much fun! We are dinner we played some video games and we watched LOTS of TV."

I laughed.

Closing the door with my foot, I walked in and took off my shoes.

"Where is uncle Shal, sweetie?"

"He's gone to the bathroom. To brush his teet."

"So! How was your date-thingy?"

I sighed.

"It was crap."

The bathroom door unlocked behind us.

"Can you not swear in front of Irene?"

I set Irene down.

"Oh look, he finally realises I exist!"

"Oh look, she finally decides to come back, and when she does, she's swearing in front of the kids!"

"What is wrong with you?"

"I don't know! I could ask you the same damn thing!"

"Oh, look who's swearing now!"

"Are you seriously going to call me out for that now?"

"I'll call you out for it whenever I want!"

"Ugh. Why did you even bother coming back? Wasn't James lovey enough for you? Why can't you go stay at his house?"

"Because he's an arse!" I shouted.

Charles paused.


"The date was horrible. I hated it. He even asked another girl for her number! And he flirted with every female he saw."

"Are you serious right now?"

"Don't I look serious? You didn't even give me a chance to explain! You just went and started laying it on me!"

"I- what? I told you it was a bad idea!"

"What? When?"

"I'm sure I told you this was a bad idea!"

"No you didn't! You didn't even spare a word for me! You've been closed down and irritated for the past day! Don't argue! Anyone will agree that you were!"

Charles paused.

"What's up, Charles? You can tell me, you know." I added softly.

"I would have. But there's nothing to tell, Kimmy. I've just been feeling weird. Like everything I feel was-"

"Too extreme? Like everything affected you more than it should have?"

Charles looked up. Meeting my eyes for the first time in a whole day.

"You too?"

I nodded.

"You think maybe it's connected? Maybe we're..."

"Nah. Can't be. Can it?"

"Nope! Definitely not."

The two of us chuckled awkwardly.

"Let's just quit and go home. I'm tired."

I nodded at Charles.

"I'm going for a shower let Irene go to sleep."

This time Charles nodded.

I grabbed my clothes and went to the bathroom, locking the door.

A thousand questions swirled in my head.

But only one maintained it's clarity.

Had I fallen for Charles Leclerc?

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