Mattia the Suspicious

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Charles led me over to a row of seating slightly away from everyone, suddenly looking nervous.

"Hey Kim... Uh- there's something I have to tell you."

"Is everything okay? You're looking a bit pale..."

"I know, I just-"

"Hey, there people!" Addie grinned, smacking me on the shoulder.

Charles glared at her.

"Oh my... Did I interrupt something?" Addie asked, smirking.

"No. No, you did not." Charles spoke through gritted teeth.

"That's good then. No 'hi' for me Kim?"

"No sorry, I-" I tore my gaze away from Charles. "Hey, Addie. What's going down?"

"See, that's better isn't it?"

I smiled at her.

Addie frowned.

"Gimme a minute," she said, running off somewhere.

I turned back to Charles.

"Are you okay?"

"Yep. I'm fine."

I nodded, not in the least convinced.

But, I had to drop it, because Mattia arrived on the scene.

"Good morning everyone! I hope you all are rested enough for the journey today. I think you all have your tickets, and all your necessary documents and your travel schedules. And I hope you have a safe journey. Also, I would like to talk to our drivers privately, so if Kim and Charles are here, I'd like you to come to the front."

Me and Charles looked at each other. And if possible, Charles had gotten even whiter.

The two of us walked to the front of the group, looking for Mattia.

"Kim, Charles, you're here. Good."

We turned.

"Hey, Mattia! Good morning!"

"Good morning, sir."

Mattia smiled at us.

"Good morning, you two. So," he looked at me. "Has Charles told you?"

I paused for a moment.

"Told me what?"

"That- uh. You have to-" Charles eyes widened.

"Don't be a chicken, Charles! Kim, you have to travel via private jet with him and you have to share a hotel room with him. Of course the two of you won't be travelling alone via private jet, your race engineers and PAs will be with you. It's better that way, but the the hotel room will have to be shared by the two of you."

I shrugged, indifferently.

"Okay. Anything else?"

"Yes. The two of you are late for your flight. It's going to leave in 10 minutes."

"What?!" Me and Charles yelped at the same time.

I checked my ticket.

"Damn it! We have to run! Thanks Mattia, bye!"

I grabbed my suitcase and Charles hand and together, the two of us ran to get to the plane.

Mechanic To Master (An F1 Fanfic) {Under Re-writing}Where stories live. Discover now