Adam Joins The Fun

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I smirked at Irene, itching to tease her. Irene gazed back timidly, as if asking for help.

Oh, I helped her alright.

"So Adam, would you like to join us for a game of football? You can play in Irene's team."

Adam grinned.

"Sure! Let me just go give this to my grandmum." He waved his signed cap and ran off.

Irene stalked closer to me and groaned.

"What did you do, aunt Kim?"

"Nothing. You're crushing on him, aren't you?"

Irene blushed.

"He's good looking. I've seen him before, somewhere."

I nodded.

"I'm so going to tell everyone!"

Irene's eyes widened.

"Please, no, aunt Kim! They'll tease me!"

I laughed.

"Fine, I won't if you won't."

"Oh, I definitely won't."

Adam came back, panting.

"Woah, there. Take it easy champ, you're going to collapse."

"No, miss Imani. I'm fine."

"Oh, please. Name's Kim. Don't call me miss Imani, I feel old."

Adam grinned in response.

"So you guys are defending on that side, and I'm defending on this side. Also, I'm starting."

"Sure." Adam grabbed Irene's hand and pulled her towards the goal, and wow... I had never ever seen Irene turn so red!

I chuckled softly, at her wide-eyed, tomato faced expression.

"You guys ready?"

"Yes!" Irene squeaked.

"Yep!" Adam shouted.

"Okay!" I dribbled the ball towards them, and nutmegged Adam.

"Hey!" He protested, as I laughed. He ran back in an attempt to defend, but there was no need. Irene somehow managed to steal the ball from me, and pass it upfield. Me and Adam took off, chasing after the ball.

I got there first, and made another attempt at the goal, this time managing to get the ball into the box, and into the back of the net.

I celebrated briefly, before having to sprint back towards my own goal, because my opponents were had sports, and didn't let me flaunt my goal in peace.

We went back and forth like that for almost an hour and a half, until we finally decided enough was enough, and we should all go get some lunch.

Before we parted however, Irene came to me and asked if she could invite Adam to our swimming trip later on.

I smirked at her.

"Sure! What time do you want to go?"

"4 o'clock?"

I raised my eyebrows at her sceptically.

"You want to spend 2 and a half hours in the pool?"

She grinned and nodded.

"Fine. But if your mum kills you, I'm not going to save you."

Irene's eyes glittered dangerously.

"Don't worry, she won't kill me... Because I'm owny six-years-old, and my aunt is supposed to know the time."

My jaw dropped.

"Who taught you how to be so sassy and crooked?"

Irene smiled innocently.

"My favourite aunt did. Her name is Kim."

A brief feeling of pride swelled in me, before I realised I just signed my own death warrant.

"Oh, Irene."

She grinned toothily at me, before running to tell Adam the news.

She returned smiling.

"He said he'll come, and he'll bring his granny with him, for... Well, obvious reasons."

"Okay. You want to go get some lunch now?"

Irene nodded.

"Let's go, then. I'm starving."

Mechanic To Master (An F1 Fanfic) {Under Re-writing}Where stories live. Discover now