Irene's First Crush

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My and Irene, being the classy people we are, ordered an à la carte breakfast, consisting of fried eggs and buttered bread for Irene, and a huge tumbler of chocolate milk and pancakes for me.

I gulped down my glass of chocolate milk and looked over at Irene, who began giggling.

"What?" I asked her.

"You have a milk moustach." She replied, completely missing out the 'e'.

"Oh, whoops." I grinned at her as I wiped the milk off my face.

She giggled again.

"So, what do you want to do today? We're pretty much free."

"Yeah, I know." Irene paused for a moment.

"I don't know." She sighed. "Too many options!"

I laughed.

"Okay, what about this? We can go for a walk around the hotel, see the local shops, get photographs, stuff like that. Then we can go play a sport like football or something, and then we'll eat lunch. Then you can sleep for a bit while I do some work, and then we can go for a swim, and eat dinner. Does that sound good?"

A smile grew on Irene's face.

"Let's do that!"

"Cool, finish your breakfast quickly then."

She took the last bite in her plate and clapped her hands.

"Dome!" She exclaimed.

"Okay, don't choke. Now let's go get you changed into proper shoes."


Once Irene had changed into her favourite blue sneakers, and I had pulled my black and gold high tops and gotten my glares and wallet, we headed out.

Luckily, the bazaar, or the market place wasn't very far. About five minutes from the hotel, there was a huge market with all sorts of interesting stuff.

And Irene and I went crazy.

I bought her new t-shirts, two new pairs of shoes, a pair of sunglasses, some cute denim shorts, Disney movie discs, a new Nike sipper water bottle, chocolate, boiled sugar sweets, socks and a bunch of books.

Yeah, I may have gone a bit over the top.

But that wasn't the end of the list of stuff I bought. I bought myself some stuff as well.

A swimming suit, t-shirts and shorts that matched Irene's (she insisted, I gave in), chocolate, boiled sugar sweets, and an endless supply of chewing gum... Oh! And a bunch of stick on tattoos, until I decided what kind of a permanent tattoo I would actually like.

Once we were done shopping like crazy people, me and Irene headed back to the hotel and borrowed a ball from the game club, to play some football.

And halfway into out game, we were joined by a small boy. He was probably just a year or so older than Irene, and he came for an autograph.

I obliged, signing his Ferrari cap for him.

But while I did so, I had noticed something. Little Irene was staring at the boy- who's name I learnt was Adam- with a blush on her cheeks and complete awe on her face.

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