The Sleepover

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Halfway through a Netflix episode, the door bell rang.

I groaned. I was so involved in my 'day of rest', I barely wanted to move today.

But, I dragged myself off the couch and slouched towards the doorway.

I pulled the door open and my lethargy faded immediately.

Standing there, true to their promise, were Addie and Charles. I lunged towards Addie and grabbed her in a massive hug. Then, I pulled away and hugged Charles.

The thing is, I held him a moment longer than I meant to, which made Addie elbow me.

"He has a girlfriend, you know."

I pulled away, embarassed.

"I'm sorry, I..."

Way to go Addie, you just made it awkward.

Charles laughed.

"That's okay. It's not like it matters, we're only friends. Plus, I don't think she'll care."

Something flashed through his eyes.

Sadness? Pain?

Something was wrong. I could see that as clear as day.

"So, you guys wanna come in?"

"No actually, I'll sleep outside. I'm sure it's very comfortable." Addie replied sarcastically.

Oh, I could do this!

"Sure, okay!" I grinned evilly, then pulled Charles in and shut the door in Addie's face.

I collapsed in laughter, and Charles looked at me wide-eyed.

"I like your laugh."

I wheezed to a stop.

"I like your accent."

"I like your smile."

"I like your hair."

"I like your face."

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Your face. You're a pretty girl, you know?"

"And here I was, thinking you had a girlfriend."

"Oh, I do. I just like to pay compliments where they're deserved."

"Aww, in that case, I like your face too!"

"I know... I'm good looking, aren't I?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Way to ruin the moment, Narcissus."

"Go waste away, Echo."

I froze.

"What did you say?"


I looked at him sceptically.

"I swear! It was nothing!"


The doorbell rang again. Preventing any further conversation.

I pulled the door open.

"So, how'd you sleep Addie? Was it as comfortable as you thought?"

Addie rolled her eyes and pushed past me.

"Here's a lesson for you! Don't be sarcastic next time!" I called after her.

"Oh, nothing will stop me!" She shouted back.

I laughed. Addie won't ever change.

And I'm happy about that.


Once we were all comfy, the three of us gathered in the sitting room.

"So, how was work?"

Charles and Addie groaned in sync.

"You have got to be the only person who enjoys the other-than-racing-work." Charles said.

"Of course she does! She's Mattia's pet!" Addie told him.

"Hey!" I protested. "That's unfair! I barely even see Mattia."

"No, but when you do, you're never in the wrong! I swear, he sees only Kim when you're in the room."

"Ugh. Whatever. You guys still haven't answered my question."

"Fine, fine," Charles sighed. "Work was fairly boring today. It is Friday after all. Anyway, we have the week end off, and Mattia said on Monday, we get to design our helmets. Then, after that the rest of the teams will be arriving here for the-"

"Start of season gala!" Addie interrupted. She had a dreamy look in her eye, and to be honest, it made me nervous.

"What is the start of season gala?"

I asked, cautiously.

"It's this huge party they have to start the new season. It's always held at the place of pre-season testing, and it is attended by all the teams and a few handpicked celebs." Charles explained.

Oh, that made sense.

"That's cool."

"Oh, it is! Believe me! The way people dress, the gala hall... It's so beautiful! I can't wait!" Addie fan-girled

I looked at Charles. "Aren't you excited?"

He shook his head.

"Not exactly, no."

He didn't elaborate, so I let it go. Then, Addie spoke.

"Why don't we watch a movie?"

"Sure! What about you Charles? Up for a movie?"

Charles grinned. "Oh, yes! Any recommendations?"

I smiled. "How does Hobbit sound?"

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