Addie the Pick-Pocket

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After my show of flipping hair at people, I turned to my original company.

Addie was looking at me shocked and Charles had an amused expression on his face.

"Enjoy the show?" I asked him.

He grinned.

"Of course! How could I not? Remind me not to mess with you again."

I grinned back.

Then Addie butted in.

"That... Was... Awesome! How do you deal with people like that? You are savage bestie!"

I laughed. Classic Addie.

"So are we ready to head back? It's almost time for check out..."

Charles checked his watch.

"Damn... You're right we should go. I don't need another shouting from Mattia."

Addie laughed.

"Nah, Chucky. You'll never get a shouting so long as Kim's here. Mattia adores her, he'll never shout at her. Hell, she wasted an entire day on the simulator, and I got yelled at. Oh! oh! Also, she walked into his office and asked him 'what's up Mattia'. Literally. And you know what he did? He smiled at her! And told her it was okay!"

Charles stared between me and Addie.

"Are you serious?"

"Do I ever kid?" Addie retorted, looking serious.

"Yes, actually. You kid more than nescessary."

Addie rolled her eyes.

I just sat there silently, while they continued to bicker.

After a while though, I got bored of it.

"Are you guys done yet? We need to leave now."

Charles and Addie looked at me, offended I interrupted them.

Shamelessly, I stared back, until finally they gave in.

"Fine!" Addie sighed. "Let's go."

We got up, paid the bill and left.


The ride back to HQ was strangely quiet.

Mainly, because Addie had managed to pick my pocket of my keys, and throw me in Charles' car.

I swear I don't know what goes on in that girl's head sometimes!

So anyways, Charles and I drove back in the Ferrari while Addie drove back in my car.

And naturally, we reached first.

Charles pulled into the lot and and we waited in comfortable silence for a few minutes.

"Did you enjoy it?" He asked suddenly.

"Hmm? What do you mean?"

"Did you enjoy today? I'm sorry if me and Adelaide got on your nerves, we tend to bicker a lot."

I smiled.

"Oh yes! Of course I did. Thank you Charles!"

It was silent again for a moment before Charles looked at me and blinked.

"Wait, what did you call me?"

I frowned.

"Charles. Why? Did I pronounce it wrong or something?"

"No, actually. You got the pronounciation spot on. First person to do it in their first try! Also, it sounds really good coming from you. Your accent sounds like something else..."

I blushed at the compliment.

"You know, you seem like an amazing person. I can't wait to take you on, on a track."

I laughed lightly.

"The feeling is mutual."

A few more moments passed in silence before we were jump-scared by someone honking.

Then, Addie pulled up next to us and got out of the car to come knock on Charles' window.

"What's going on here? Am I interrupting something?" Addie asked, smirking lightly.

I rolled my eyes at her.


Then, I leaned over Charles and rolled up the window.

He laughed.

"She's crazy isn't she?"

I grinned.

"Let's go check out?"

He smiled back.


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