I Said It First

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The air in front of me shimmered, solidifying into a 19-year-old girl.


"Sister." Nova replied, her voice making my heart hurt all over again.

"I think you owe me an explanation, and Charles and I an apology. What you did was extremely wrong."

Nova looked down.

"I know. I'm so sorry, Kimmy. I was just trying to get your attention!"

"By possessing my boyfriend and using his body to accuse me of cheating on him?!"

Nova winced.

"That sounds so bad when you say it out loud. I really didn't give this any thought, did I?"

"No, you didn't."

She turned around, and faced Charles.

"I am so sorry!" She said, extending her hand out to him.

Charles shook it.

"That's okay. Just can you please not do it again?"

Nova laughed.

"I make no promises."

I coughed loudly into my fist.

"Yeah, no. I promise." Nova said quickly.

"Kim, I am so sorry. I just missed you so much and-" I cut her off by wrapping my arms around her.

"I missed you too."


I hugged Nova one last time. Since, she wasn't using someone else's body anymore, she had to rely on my concious to keep her here, and I was exhausted, and as much as I didn't want to let her go, I couldn't take the strain anymore.

"I'll see you soon, Kim. Just, be careful okay? I love you."

I chuckled.

"Is that aimed at my crash? Because if it was, that was you-know-who's fault."

Nova gave me 'The Look', and I smiled.

"Of course, I'll take care. Charles and Addie are here to make sure of it."

"Oh, I know they'll keep you safe. I also know that even if I put you in the most secure place in the world you'll find a way to cause some damage. Be it to you or those around you."

"Pft! Such little faith!"

Nova rolled her eyes.

"I love you too, Supernova. I'll see you soon."

She winked at me, and grinned one last time before she disappeared in a flash of light.

"Your sister's awesome." Addie said.

"Yeah, I know. Awesome, but crazy."

"So, I'm going to leave you two alone, now. Duty calls." Addie said, before quickly pulling Irene out of my hotel room, leaving me alone with Charles.

"So, yeah! That just happened." I began nervously.

I sighed at the awkward tension.

"I am so sorry, Charles. I shouldn't have-" he cut me off by kissing me.

"Don't say anything." He muttered against my lips. "I've been waiting for this all day."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled.

"I love you." I said, my heart beating like a bass drum.

Charles eyes widened.

"I love you, too." He said, not missing a beat. "But you said it first."

I smiled, before kissing him again.

Okay, sorry! I didn't know how to turn it down after that😂😅😅

So, I'll leave the rest upto you. Until next time!


Mechanic To Master (An F1 Fanfic) {Under Re-writing}Where stories live. Discover now