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"So, now that we're done with Mattia, can we go? I wanna see the cars!" I whined.

"I know that! Geez, stop acting like a kid!" Adelaide rolled her eyes.

"Why are we going that way? I thought we were going to see cars." I asked. She was leading me towards the main Ferrari building.

"We are."

"What? How? You said we'd get to see and test the car out!"

"I did say that, yes."

"So, then? Don't you need a track to test a car out?"

"Well..." A nervous expression crossed her face. "You see, I may have forgotten to mention, we aren't testing the car out, we're testing the seat settings in the car."

"What?! And you- what?! How could you forget to metion THAT?!"

"Whoopsie?" She grinned.


Addie, pulled me (I swear, this girl!) into a large white room, on the second floor of the main office building.

The room, was very big. And white.

There were two work tables in the room, which were scattered with dozens of car designs, and other stuff.

On the far side of the room, two life sized models of this year's cars were sitting, surrounded by a group of people.

Addie walked straight towards them, and I followed.

"Good morning, everyone! I'd like you to meet Kim Imani. She's the new driver."

Everyone looked up at me and smiled.

"So, she's the driver we're working with?" One guy asked.

No doofus. I'm the janitor, didn't you hear her?

Addie nodded.

"Nice to meet you. My name's Jim," he extended his hand.

I shook his hand and smiled.

"Not much of a talker, this one." He frowned.

"Oh no, she talks when she wants to."

What the heck? I was standing in the same room as them! A step behind them!

I was going to open my mouth and say something but was interrupted by another lady.

"The poor girl looks very out-of-place here. Why don't we just start our work and get this over with?"

I shot the lady a grateful smile.

"Anytime dear. Now, why don't you get into the car so we can begin?"

Mechanic To Master (An F1 Fanfic) {Under Re-writing}Where stories live. Discover now