A Sweet Family Reunion

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I sighed.

"What were you thinking, honestly? Were you even thinking?"

I looked up at Lewis.

"I'm sorry, what? You don't get to ask me that!"

"Really, why not?"

"Because you aren't him, Lewis! You are not Papa, and you'll never be Papa!" I shouted.

Hurt flashed across his face, and I realised what I had said.

"No, Lewis. I didn't mean it that way, I'm so sorry. I-"

"No, Kim. I get it. You miss him, too. I'm just doing this because I made a promise to him, okay? I bloody made a promise to him to keep his grand daughter safe! He specifically told me not to freaking allow you near an F1 car because he didn't want anything happening to you! And he asked me to keep you safe! And I intended to honour that promise, until you bloody well screwed up!"

"I 'bloody well screwed up'? You don't even know the whole story, you jerk! I didn't have a damned choice, okay? It wasn't like you! I was threatened! I. DID. NOT. HAVE. A. CHOICE!" I screamed.


Anger welled up inside me and I wanted to slap Lewis.

What was wrong with him?

Recovering from the silence, Lewis talks again.

"Who threatened you?"

"It isn't your concern."

"Really? I think it is!"

"How? How is my life suddenly your concern?"

"It always was!"

"How can I believe that?! Huh, Lewis? How the hell can I believe that? This is the first time I'm seeing you since Papa's funeral 2 and a half years ago!"

"So? I've been busy. You're like my younger sister, Kim. You have to believe that."

"You've been busy. Oh, hardy har har! Even I've been busy, you twat! Can you hear yourself speak right now? Whatever. I've had a job to do, yet every night for a year, I tried contacting you. You never answered, you never messaged. You went off grid. I watched your races, dedicating them to Papa, saying you missed him and all that crap. Did it ever occur to you that there was someone on this god-forsaken planet who actually missed him? Who actually cared? Who actually suffered when he died? You had all your fans and your family behind you, supporting you, saying 'peace Lewis!', 'he'll always be with you, Lewis!', 'it's going to be fine, Lewis!'. And me? The actually relative? I was left alone in a house that he built, where every damn thing reminded me of what I lost. I had no support. And, now you have the bloody audacity to tell me that my life was always your concern? Cut the crap, Hamilton. I'm not interested."

I turned around to walk off, but he stopped me.

"I- I'm sorry, Kim. I wasn't thinking."

I turned again to face him.

"That's the problem, Lewis Hamilton. You never do."

I walked off.

Mechanic To Master (An F1 Fanfic) {Under Re-writing}Where stories live. Discover now