Sleepy-Head Friends and a Drunk 'Elder Brother'

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The rest of the evening was fairly enjoyable. I was introduced to the rest of the drivers and their team principals, and a few of them even asked me to dance with them!

I hadn't seen Lewis again, but I did meet his teammate Valterri Bottas, and his principal Toto Wolff, who recognised me as well.

Me and Toto had a pleasant conversation (unlike the yelling match I had with Lewis), and reconnected over a dance.

Then, before I knew it, the evening was over, and it was time to go home.

Secretly, I was kinda glad the party was over. My feet were killing me, and I had a feeling I had drunk too much champagne.

Once all the guests had left, the Ferrari crew was finally allowed to leave.

The same chauffer who had dropped us, picked us up. But only this time, Charles and Arthur joined us.

"Do you guys want to come over to my house?"

I asked them.

Addie yawned.

"Sure..." She drawled.

So, okay Addie had definitely over done it, at this point, she could barely even string a sentence together!

Charles and Arthur nodded as well, looking equally smashed.

"Okay, then! My house it is! You guys look awful. Why don't you get some shut eye? I'll wake you up when we get there?"

Well, they didn't need to be told twice.

I chuckled softly and tapped the driver on his shoulder.

"Yes, miss?"

"Could you please just take us back to my house? There's no need the drop us off individually."

"No problem, madam! Would you like some music?"

"Thank you! And, yes please, but not too loud, I don't want to wake them up."

The driver nodded and turned on the stereo.

"Any preferences?"

"Not really, no. Just no death metal, my head is starting to spilt."

The driver laughed.

"Ed Sheeran it is!"

I smiled.

"I never actually got your name, sir."

"Andrew, madam."

I smiled.

"Please drop the 'madam', my name is Kim. We're on a first name basis now."

"Sure thing, ma-Kim."

"That's better!"

The rest of the ride went by in silence, except if you count Ed Sheeran singing softly on the stereo, and finally we had reached.

Gently, I woke each of my friends up and helped them into my house, then I said good night to Andrew and thanked him for all his help.

Andrew drove away with a smile on his face, which had me smiling too.

Everyone was awake enough to get out of their gala clothes (thankfully), so while they did that, I made the beds for them.

I wasn't going to risk sleeping again, so I set everyone up in my room, under the ruse I was taking the couch.

Well, I actually was going to take the couch, but not to sleep. I was going to binge some Netflix or something.

Then, when everyone was finally asleep, and I didn't have to worry about them tripping over their feet in their tired state, I grabbed my favourite fuzzy blankie and relaxed on the couch.

Only to be interuppted by my ringing phone.

Great. Just great.

Highly annoyed, I got off the couch and searched for my phone.

I found it sitting on the dining table, right where I had left it when I had come in.

Swiping the call button, I answered the phone.


"Hi there, good evening. My name is Alex, and I'm calling regarding one of my clients. This is Kim, I'm talking to, right?"

"One of your clients? I'm not sure I know what you mean."

"Mr. Hamilton, miss Kim. I'm a bartender, at Jamie's."

"He's passed out drunk, hasn't he?" I asked, dead panning.

"Not exactly miss, but he's very close to doing so. He asked me to call you and tell you he's sorry."

"Tell him he can tell me that himself. Can you give me the address? I'll come pick him up."

"Sure, miss. Can I text you on this number?"

"Yes. Thank you, Alex. I'll be there soon."

Mechanic To Master (An F1 Fanfic) {Under Re-writing}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat