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I stood frozen as I saw thousands of fans standing there. They had posters of me, t-shirts with my racing number hell, they even had a huge poster welcoming me to Portugal!

And the chanting... Oh my god. They were so loud.

I wasn't sure whether to feel excited or scared. Until a lady in a suit with a mic walked upto me and asked me to address the fans. Then, I knew I was in trouble.

I looked at Charles for some help, but he just smiled encouragingly.

"Come on! You can do this!" He whispered to me.

I nodded, suddenly confident.

Switching on the mic, I spoke.

"Hey guys!" The cheering grew louder. "Hi! Wow, this is cool. I have so many fans! I didn't think news would spread so fast. This really is amazing."

The lady then asked me if I'd like to answer questions.

"Sure!" I shrugged.

She smiled at me, then signalled to another guy, who passed a mic into the audience.

"Everyone, please be civil. Miss Imani will do us the pleasure of answering our questions."

Another cheer rose from the audience. The mic was passed around until finally, it stopped at a teenaged boy.

"How old are you, miss Kim?"

I smiled at him.

"Please drop the miss, I'm not a noble. I'm 21 in a few months."

He smiled back, "Thank you!"

The mic was passed around again.

This time a middle-aged man got the mic.

"You are a very good driver, Kim. How have we never seen your name in the smaller leagues before?"

"I was taught at home by my grand-father. The funny thing was, he wasn't actually comfortable with me being in a race car. So, I never competed professionally, but I used all sorts of other ways to train."

He thanked me, and passed it onto a tiny girl.

"Hi! My name is Irene. I want to be like you when I grow up. You're my hero."

I paused, taken aback by her statement. These people had just seen one race of mine, and I didn't even win it. How was I already a hero?

"You're very sweet, Irene. Very very sweet. Thank you so much."

She smiled at me.

Then she passed on the mic.

This happened for quite sometime. During which I signed and signed autographs. I didn't mind of course. I loved seeing the fans happy, it was just a new sort of experience to me.

At the end of it, it was almost dark, the fans started to disperse, and Charles and I turned to leave.

I was almost to the door, when I felt someone tap my lower back.

Turning around, I was met with a petite little girl with tears streaming down her face.


"Hey, what's wrong?"

"I got separated from my mummy. Can you please help me?" She sniffled.

"Sure sweetie, can I have her number?" I asked pulling out my phone.

Irene gave me a number, but the thing is, instead of showing me an unknown when I called it, it sent me straight to a contact I had used many times.

Adelaide McAllister had a daughter?

Mechanic To Master (An F1 Fanfic) {Under Re-writing}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora