The Void

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I blocked the attack, and grabbed Warden's arm, punching him in the stomach. Immediately, he collapsed, completely winded.

I felt briefly elated as Warden struggled to his feet. Before he lashed out again, with his fist. I barely managed to block it, before I retorted with an attack of my own.

Back and forth we sparred.

Attacking and defending, attacking and defending, until Warden pulled off a trick move. He dropped to a crouch and struck outwards with his leg, throwing me off balance. Then, before I fell, he conjured up a dagger and stabbed me in the side.

I screamed.

Pain blurred my vision, but out of the corner of my eye, I could see the gang jump up with fear written all over their posture.

"Don't!" I shouted. "You guys can't interfere!"

I was on my knees, and my side burned like crazy.

Warden took this as sign that he'd won.

"It's over!" He exclaimed. "I've won!"

I growled, swallowing my pain.

"No." I said. "It was a fight to the death."

I spring up, trying my best not to scream, as I pulled out the dagger from my side and charged him with it. About a foot away from him, I stopped. Almost blacking out as I twisted to lash out with my leg. My foot caught him straight in the jaw, and Warden fell on his butt.

He was stunned, so I took advantage of that, and stood over him with the dagger. But, no matter how much I tried argue that he deserved it, I couldn't get myself to kill him. I was not Warden, and he knew that. I could see it in the malicious glint in his eyes. He knew I'd never kill him, and that's why he challenged me to a fight like this.

Which meant there was only one way I could win this. I had to banish him to the void. And since being banished to the void was like dying, I wasn't breaking any rules. But right now, my only problem was they lack of practice I had for a void portal.

Void portals were by far the most complex portals to open, mainly because they weren't actually portals. They required huge amount of energy and concentration to open. And when someone got sucked in, they'd never came back out.

Determination made itself known, and a tugging feeling erupted in my gut. I splayed out my hands, concentrating. Storm clouds gathered above us as thunder rumbled and lightning flashed. My side began to ache really, really badly, and I screamed from the strain. My whole body began to burn and a huge sphere of dark energy began to grow in front of me.

Warden had fear written in bold on his face, as he scrambled wildly to get away from me, but I pinned him in place, focusing all my thoughts and chanelling all my hatred for the sorry excuse for life in front of me. The tugging sensation increased, and the pain in my side intensified. I yelled out, trying to soothed the pain, but to no avail. Then suddenly, the dark energy went supernova and exploded in a blinding flash of light.

And when the light died down, Warden was gone and so was the arena. We were standing in the clearing of the forest I used to meet my grand-dad in.

All the way back home in Italy.

Mechanic To Master (An F1 Fanfic) {Under Re-writing}Where stories live. Discover now