Charles and I apologise... A LOT

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Charles turned to me with a smile on his face, but frowned when he saw mine.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

I choked, realising I had to explain what I had done.

I smiled nervously at him.

"Like what?"

"Like you've seen a ghost or, something?"

That pulled me out of my stupor. I knew I didn't make weird faces when I saw a ghost. That expression does not apply to me, people. Don't even try!

"I do not make weird faces at a ghost, Charles. Don't be ridiculous."

Charles sighed.

"Well then, how else do you want me to explain how you're looking at me?"

"I'm sorry, I can't help it, I..."

"What's wrong with my face, anyways?" Charles asked, getting off the bed and walking to the bathroom.

"No, Charles! Don't..."

It was too late.

Charles yelped, and I winced.

"What is wrong with my eyes?!"

"I'm sorry!" I said vainly. "That was my fault!"

Charles turned to me.

"Well, you'd better know how to reverse this! We have public related stuff all day!"


Well, I didn't know how to reverse it.

Which is why, Charles spent the entire day with a pair of dark sunglasses.

And, he was angry.

To be honest, I couldn't blame him. Even though I was trying to help, I really should have thought it through. What I did was just plain stupid.

I shook myself back to reality. Charles and I were currently on our way back to the hotel. We had just finished a long day of tiring interviews and other stuff, and just wanted to relax.

But the car ride back was silent and deadly awkward.

"So..." I started, in an attempt to break the silence. "I'm so sorry, Charles. Honestly, I didn't mean for this to happen."

Charles sighed, not tearing his eyes from the road.

"What were you trying to to, anyways?"

"I... We were up the whole night, right?"

Charles nodded, still not looking at me (though probably for the best, since he was driving).

"And we had an early morning, right?"

Charles groaned.

"Why are you asking me all these questions? Why can't you get to the point?"

"Because, I fed you the energy of the dead!" I blurted out, immediately slapping my hands over my mouth.

Charles' hand hit the horn with shock.

"You did what?"

"I fed you the energy of the dead?" I asked, sheepishly.

"Care to elaborate?"

"No- I mean, yes! I..." I sighed. "You stayed up all night for me. With me. And I felt so bad to wake you up early, that I acted recklessly. I thought I could help you, the way you helped me. So, I took matters into my own hands and I used my magic on you... I gave you the energy that I live on everyday... I'm so sorry... I really didn't mean for this to happen... I'm so sorry..."

Charles looked at me.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm sorry for acting an idiot about it as well. I should have considered this from your angle, instead I just lost it on you. It's my fault as well. But, thank you. Thank you for trying to help me, I really appreciate it. Also, I'm curious to know... When will this wear off? It makes me feel very weird."

I laughed breathlessly.

"It'll wear off soon. But I'll warn you, you have to go to sleep early. Because it's going to feel like you've been awake for 2 days. You're going to be exhausted."

Charles nodded with a smile on his face.

"I will."

He parked the car in the lot.

"But for now, let's go find Addie. Irene has been calling me nonstop since we left."

Charles laughed.

"To the park it is!"

Mechanic To Master (An F1 Fanfic) {Under Re-writing}Where stories live. Discover now