Dumb Antics and Tears

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(Still Addie's POV)

I kept watching as the engineers worked on Kim's car, getting it ready for the race.

She was in pole position again today, and I had a long distance to walk before I got Charles' car.

Leaving Irene to mess around with Kim, I began my journey... Okay, no I'm kidding. Charles was starting just beside Kim on the grid.

I moved over to talk to him.

"Hey, Charles!"

"Hey, Addie!"


"Addie, we've done our best. I'm sure she'll be fine. Wait and see."

Wrong, Charles. You got this all freaking WRONG.

I nodded unconvinced and wished him good luck before I left.

It was time now. All the engineers and mechanics and everyone else vacated the grid before the Rolex struck three and the cars went out for the formation lap.

We were lucky this time to have a dry gp at Hungary (like we haven't at a lot of the times we've come here).

So, there wasn't much water-related danger this time, which was good. Less, for Kim's self-appointed bodyguards (me and the gang) to work with.

I took my place next to Kymara. It was a now permanent position for me because of how difficult Kim was to deal with. I swear, that girl was so much work! And it's not just me. Ask Carson as well! The poor guy has to come up with special strategies just for her.

Kymara noticed me immediately.

"Hi, Addie."

"Kymara!" I smiled. "You're not looking 100%. What's wrong?"

Kymara paused for a moment.

"I'm still worried about Kim. I don't know why, but I just am."

"Me too. But she's on the track now. I'm sure nothing can harm her!" I added.

Kymara's doubt faded a little.

"Maybe you're right. Let's just see how this race unfolds."

I nodded.

There was no actual point of worrying, yet. Everything seemed to be going smoothly...

Or so we thought.


Lap after lap passed, and Kim held her lead. It looked like we'd have another podium today.

With every lap, the team cheered and we could hear the pitwall going crazy as well.

Smiles and happiness filled the atmosphere inside the garage.

Nobody seemed worried anymore. Why would they? Thirty laps into the race and everything was working like a charm!

But try as we might to deny it, none of us could shake the faint unease we felt.

And, it only got worse as the gap between Lewis and Kim began to decrease.

"Guys, my brakes. Something is wrong!" Kim yelled over the radio.

I grabbed the headset from Kymara.

"Find a way to stop the car!"

"I'm doing 279, Addie! How the hell do I stop it?!"

"Find a bloody way, Kim! Gear down to deaccelarate. Something!"

"I'm trying Addie! The car isn't deaccelarating! It's stuck at this speed!"

Kim went down a corner and my heart stopped beating.

At that speed, the car couldn't make a turn like that. Kim's car went off the track and rammed in to the wall so hard, the whole car collapsed in on itself, erupting into a huge fireball.

"No!" I shouted, taking off. Behind me Carson, Kymara and Mattia followed.

Red flags had been called immediately, and all the cars returned to the pit lane.

So, Charles, Lando, Lewis and even Max joined us.

When we got there, trackside assisantance was doing their best to put out the fire, but as endless minutes ticked by, it didn't seem to get any better.

Finally, the head of trackside assistance turned to us.

And his next words killed me.

"I'm sorry. There's nothing more we can do except wait the fire out. She's gone, I'm sorry."

My heart shattered, as I buried my head in Lando's shoulders, sobbing my eyes out.

Stupid Kim. Brave, fantastic, crazy, funny, amazing, beautiful, stupid Kim.

I'd always wish I'd get to tell her how much I loved her dumb antics.

But now...

She was gone.

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