Kim Comes Back!

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(Addie's POV)

The week following Kim's unconciousness was horrible. I couldn't focus on most of the stuff I did. And if by some miracle, I did manage to rally even a little of my focus, whatever I did felt wrong.

I couldn't stop worrying about Kim. And Irene kept reminding me, doing me absolutely no good.

I dropped coffee on important papers, I tripped over the air, and I even slapped Lando by mistake (I was chasing a mosquito and hit Lando instead. DON'T ASK).

Finally, Mattia, Charles and Lando had had enough. They confined me to my hotel room and locked me there. But, I think it was for the best. My mishaps were getting worse and worse. Soon, I'd be killing people (by mistake obviously).

So, in my hotel room, I passed my days... Until Sunday.

Then, I banged on the door to get let out, only to find the damn thing was unlocked. See what I mean? I was going insane.

I ran down the halls, waking everyone of importance up. And by everyone of importance, I mean everyone. Whoops...

Charles, Carson and Mattia walked out to their rooms, fully dressed.

"You guys are fast!"

"Yep. We know we had planned it." Kymara said, appearing out of nowhere.

"What? And you didn't include me?"

"Nope." Charles said. Looking worried and relieved at the same time.

"Idiots." I muttered under my breath.

"Woah, there... How many cans of Coca-Cola has my girlfriend drunk?"

I looked at Lando.

"English, Orange."

Lando rolled his eyes at his nickname.

"Why are you so hyper, Australia?" He asked, smirking.

"Nah, used too many times." I said, bursting his bubble.

"Ugh. Why am I dating you again?"

"Because you love me."

"I've never actually admitted it... How do you know it's true?"

I pulled out my phone and played the recording of the first time Lando told me he loved me.

He sighed.

"Just get in the car."

I giggled and clapped my hands, jumping into the car.

Lando got in after closing my door for me. Such a gentleman...


(Kim's POV)

I watched as Warden hit Sadie repeatedly, drawing blood. A crazy pleasure danced in his eyes as he did.

I could feel the useless anger welling up inside me, feel myself straining against my chains.

But it wasn't enough. It never was.

I kept watching helplessly. Was this how Lewis and the others felt when I crashed?

Suddenly, pain sky-rocketed in my head, and the scene changed.

This time, it was a memory, but it wasn't mine. Someone else was showing me this.

I watched.

My number 13 car stood in the garage, while the engineers and mechanics flitted around it. It had just won me my qualifying pole, and was looking very proud.

Eventually, the number of people started to dwindle. And soon, my car stood alone.

A cloaked figure pulled out of the shadows and moved towards my car.

As the figure approached it, he pulled a chip out of his cloak, and stuck it on my left break pad.

Then, he turned and nodded.

"It is done. The breaks will log off randomly tomorrow, and eliminate her."


I shot up, my head aching like crazy, with my entire being covered in sweat.

A whole week.

I was trapped in an endless cycle of the same nightmares for a whole week.

And at the end, I learnt something.

My crash was orchestrated, and my car...

Had been sabotaged.

Mechanic To Master (An F1 Fanfic) {Under Re-writing}Where stories live. Discover now