Just 'Plane' Wrong

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Me and Charles jumped through the door way, just as it was beginning to shut. Now, if this was a commercial aircraft, we wouldn't have made it. So, thankfully we weren't flying commercial.

The two of us collapsed on the nearest seats, panting.

"That-that was... Fun!" I exclaimed.

"Yes, let's never do that again."

Me and Charles laughed.

Then, we heard another voice laughing.

"You guys aren't very aware of your surroundings, are you?"

I shot up. That voice sounded a lot like...

"Lewis? What are you doing on our plane?"

Lewis stared at me for a whole minute before he burst out laughing.

"I should be asking you that."

"Huh? I'm fairly sure that..." Charles trailed off, spotting Toto at the same time as I did.

"Oh shit."

"'Oh shit' is right, Kim. You're on the wrong plane, darling sister."


Lewis' plane landed at Faro airport a little more than 2 hours later, with me and Charles in it. Since we landed up in the wrong plane, at the wrong time, it was too late to do anything. So, we got the pilot to send a message to our pilot, explaining the mix up.

I think it's safe to say we were the laughing stock of the day. Literally, everyone laughed at us. It was so embarrassing. But, then again, I think I deserved it, maybe not Charles, but I definitely did.

At the end of the whole thing, I was exhausted and I- thankfully- didn't not have to deal with jet-lag (the time difference only being an hour), or I'd have been a very very unpleasant person.


I flopped down on the bed of the shared hotel room. Charles, had sweetly gone to get the luggage, while made myself comfortable. It was probably pretty bratty and rude of me, but I could barely stand without collapsing.

I needed a recharge.

Dragging myself of the bed, I headed to the bathroom, making sure to lock the door.

Then, I filled the giant tub.

Once the water was ideal, I stripped off my clothes and jumped in.

I relaxed instantly.

Sighing, I set a timer for 15 minutes. That was all the time I was going to spend in the tub. But could you blame me? I was Portugal! I wanted to explore! Especially since I couldn't do anything but work on the flight. But at least I had finished that. Now, the only work I'd have, was tomorrow's!

15 minutes later the timer rang, and my eyes shot open. I carefully jumped out of the tub, making sure not to spill any water, and drained it. Then, I grabbed a towel and dried myself. I dressed myself, and opened the door, greeted by the sight of Charles reclining on the bed with the T.V. remote in his hand.

"Hellooo!" He greeted, with a silly smile on his face. "Your suitcase is there, and your backpack in on top of it. Don't worry, I didn't steal anything."

"Thank you!"

I headed to may suitcase and dug through it, looking for my sneakers, until I realised I wore them here.


I made a de-tour towards the door and sat down in front of it. Picking up my shoes and putting them on.

"Where are you going?" Charles asked, curiously.

"To explore! Wanna come?"

"Sure! Gimme a minute." He turned off the T.V. and got off the bed. He grabbed the room keys from the bedside table and pulled his shoes on.

"Ready?" I asked him.

"Yep! Let's go!"

I walked out of the room and Charles followed, turning off the lights.

We walked down the stairs to the lobby, (our room being on the 4th floor) and out into fresh air!

And standing there, waiting for us, was a huge crowd of Ferrari fans.

Mechanic To Master (An F1 Fanfic) {Under Re-writing}Where stories live. Discover now