Surprise visitors (Part III)

Start from the beginning

"Thank you again, Lucy," Erza said in a sincere tone.

"It's no problem at all." Lucy smiled.

"Goodnight, Lucy."

"Goodnight, Erza."

Lucy shut her phone and placed it back on her bedstand.

She felt a little wave of happiness roll over her.

She'd get to talk to Natsu on her first day after all.


There was a rap on Lucy's door. She sat up quickly, set her laptop aside and swung her legs off the bed.

Finding her fluffy slippers with her feet, she glanced at the clock. It said 10: 00.

Lucy was shocked. It'd been almost two hours since Erza had called.

What could've taken the guys so long?

She opened the door to a quarelling Natsu and Gray.

"Your fault, Flame Brain."

"Was not, Ice Princess."

"It always is, Dumbo!"

"Say that to my face, Stripper!"

"I did, you idiot!!"

Lucy sighed.

She watched as the two boys threw dumb insults at each other.

She cleared her throat.

The boys stopped and turned to her.

"Hey!" Natsu was the first to react. He gave her a wide grin and she smiled back involuntarily.

"My name's Natsu Dragneel. You must be Lucy Heartfilia." He smiled.

"Hi, Natsu!" Lucy greeted him.

"I'm Gray Fullbuster." Gray gave her a nod and a small smile.

"Hi, Gray!"

"He got us lost." Natsu complained.

"No, I didn't. You're the idiot who can't take a bus. It's your fault we spent two hours trying to find the place!"

"At least, I can read a map. You got us lost every turn!"

Lucy sighed again. She saw Natsu holding on to a small envelope.

I bet those are the details. She thought.

"Mind if I take this?" she asked, slowly taking it out of his hand.

Natsu turned to her, "Oh yeah. Those are the details Erza told us to give you."

Lucy opened the envelope and began looking through them.

"Nice place you got there," Natsu said looking into her apartment.

Lucy went beet red, "Oh, I am so sorry. Please come inside."

"Nah. Maybe another time, Lucy." Natsu gave her another adorable grin.

Lucy was starting to really love those grins. Somehow, she really wanted to get to know him better.

"Catch you later then, Lucy." Gray said turning away.

"Yeah. Bye, Lucy." Natsu said, walking away.

"Natsu!" Lucy called, not even sure why she did.

Natsu turned back to her, "Yeah?"

"Um, will I see you in school?"

Natsu grinned, tilting his head to one side, "'Course you will! I'll come for ya." And with that, he turned around and ran after Gray.

Lucy smiled.

That boy was adorable and because of the few words he'd told her, life at Fairy Tail seemed all the better.

A/N: And that's all I can give you guys now...

Thank you sooooooooo much for sticking with me!!

Also, I want magic in the story.

Fairy Tail is just not the same without it.

I have a weird mind so I'll come up with some way to get it in... Just tell me what you think... Magic and School? Or just school?

Anyway, Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease comment and vote!!

I love all of you!!


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