7. Laughter Like Bells

Start from the beginning

    Gently, he unfastened the buttons at her throat, careful not to touch her skin again. Ellie leaned forward with a grimace as he removed her cloak. He spread it out before the fire, letting it dry. Wynter pulled a thick blanket off the sofa and tucked it around Ellie's shoulders. She closed her eyes, leaning back with a heavy sigh.

    Black hair had come loose from her braid. It now framed her face, curling slightly as the snow that flaked it began to melt. Her cheeks were flushed with cold and excitement. His fingers brushed her jaw, even before he knew he'd reached for her. Wynter's throat bobbed. His skin didn't crawl when he touched her.

    Ellie's eyes opened. Wynter turned her head to the side, pretending he'd only been interested in her injury. It was still bleeding. "I'll get something for that," he said.

    Ellie nodded wordlessly. He caught a lock of her hair between his fingers and draped it behind her ear, once again avoiding contact with her skin. Wynter left the room quickly, before Ellie could see the conflict in his eyes.


    Elodie pressed Bongo against her stomach, the folds of the blanket hiding the toy from sight. Her head ached horribly and her stomach was still growling. She was finally starting to feel warmer, at least. Elodie gazed about the room. She still couldn't believe Wynter had let her come inside. He had touched her again too.

    Butterflies danced in her stomach and she drew her legs up beneath herself. She hadn't expected Wynter to come to her aid. She wasn't sure what Lev would have done if he hadn't. He'd pushed her down when she tried to kick him. Her head knocked against the railing, which was how her wound had originated.

    Judging by the warmth and soreness clinging to her back, Elodie thought she might've reopened a few of those injuries too. She prayed Wynter wouldn't notice the depths of her pain. She wouldn't be able to keep the truth from him if he did.

    I need to leave, Elodie thought. Uncle Ebner will be going home soon. Suppose he goes to my room to check on me? Her stomach growled once more. She closed her eyes, resting her head against the back of the chair. And I'll have to find something to eat.

    How she longed for a bowl of stew like her mother used to make. Creamy beef broth filled with chunks of carrots, potatoes, and meat. She could eat three whole bowls of it, even when she was a little girl. A delicious scent reached her nose. Elodie blinked her eyes open. A bowl of stew sat on the small table before her. Her lips parted in surprise.

    She leaned forward, ignoring the pain in her back, and took the bowl. It was warm against her cold hands. Elodie lifted the spoon to her lips hesitantly. It tasted exactly how she remembered. She dug in without further hesitation, each bite putting a small dent in the hunger that gnawed at her stomach.

    Footsteps fell on the floor as Wynter returned. His lips tilted up in a small smile. He set a few items on the table and watched her. "It just showed up," Elodie mumbled around a mouthful of stew.

    Wynter laughed, and the sound reminded her of bells. Low, rich, and beautiful. "Magic. The house is spelled to take care of its occupants. You just have to think of something you need and it will appear before you."

    "Your house is a good cook." Elodie finished up the last of her stew and the bowl vanished from her hands.

    Wynter rose and wet a small cloth in a bowl of water that appeared beside his medical supplies. Elodie tried not to flinch as he wiped the blood from her temple. Anger flashed through Wynter's blue eyes, but it soon faded. She couldn't help but notice how careful he was not to touch her skin.

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