
"Do you truly believe that there was a Voodoo Doll involved? That it was fake love?" He looked curious.

"I honestly, I don't know what I believe right now," I sighed. "I am just confused."

"So you're normal?" Michael butt in.

"Shut up Michael!" I rolled my eyes.

"Well if you ever want to talk to Janie, she's called me ten times already asking to speak with you," Calum informed me.

"And you didn't give me the phone?!" I groaned.

"You told me you didn't want to talk to her," calum laughed.

"That was before she wanted to talk to me!! Since she does, give me the phone!!! Now!!!" I reached for his phone anxiously.

"She said she can't talk now," Calum put his phone in his pocket.


"Luke you obviously are in love with her you dork!" He pointed out.

"Seriously Luke you are so stupid," michael added.

"Whatever, she claims I don't really love her so she is probably right," I sighed as i heard my namebeing called from the other room, of course it was My Mom calling me.


(Ashton's pov)

The wedding is in two weeks and we still barley got the invitations all out. It was stressful, really stressful.

But when we are back home in Sydney it'll be a lot easier to settle and focus on the wedding stuff.

I actually didn't have a full list of people I was inviting, just family, friends, not many people. No one really famous.

We played our last concert already and we were on our way to the airport. Last time i was at an airport really was when Janie left months ago. I wonder how she's doing, I haven't talked to her in so long. It felt like forever. And almost instantly at that thought my phone rang and Janie's number was on the screen.

"JANIE??" I yelled into the phone.

"Hey Ashy," she said in a very low but emotional voice.

"Oh my god Janie i miss you so much, you haven't replied to any of my texts ever! What happened? How are you??" I asked excitedly.

"I am good, and uhm... sorry, I kinda blocked all your numbers from my phone so I wasn't tempted to talk to you guys. I figured its about time I do talk to you again though," Janie replied.

"Well I guess now is a good time to invite you to the wedding," i asked hopefully.

"Ashton I can't..." she said in a hurt tone.

"It's in two week, one Saturday, I'll pay for your flight here, I'll even pay for you to attend, just please please PLEASE! It won't be perfect unless you are there," i begged.

"Ashton..." She started but paused for a minute.


"I'll be there..." She sighed. I could tell she wasn't happy, but I knew it wasn't me that was making her upset.

"Really?? YAY!!" I squealed. She laughed.

"You have no idea how badly I miss you Ashy, you really don't."

"Aww I Love You!" I smiled, although she couldn't see me.

"I love you too ash," She replied. I could tell she was smiling too.

Voodoo dollTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon