Start from the beginning

Rafael looked at her with a quizzical expression.

"I was an eyewitness to your crime. Why did you let me go?" she asked again, stepping closer to him. She could sense the heat and power radiating out of his body.

Rafael snorted lightly , "So are you saying that I should have murdered you?" he asked mockingly.

Norah stared at him unfazed. She wasn't in the mood to joke and he realised that for she noticed his eyes had started turning golden from brown . He may have spoken to her in a mocking tone but she did caught the hitch in his voice and that puzzled her further.

She nodded her head, "Yes! Logically you should have!", said she softly.

The smirk on Rafael's face got wiped away as his mocking look turned suddenly into a grim expression when he heard those words leave her mouth. His eyes that had held amusement a second before, now, for some reason held hurt in them.

"Because", he replied after a few seconds , "I am no murderer. I cannot just murder anyone as and when i like . Least of all you!", said Rafael softly.

Those last words rolled of his tongue as slowly as ever and contained so much of a warmth in it that Norah could literally feel her stomach burn through. She looked at him and was taken aback. His eyes instead of holding the usual arrogance or pride held a deep intense emotion in them.
She had never seen something enchanting before and she just continued to stare at them while the warmth radiating out of him engulfed her completely. It was at that moment she felt something move deep within her chest, something extremely powerful , something both scary and pleasurable at the same time, something that she had never felt before.

After a couple of seconds of silence when none had spoken, Rafael finally broke the eye contact and stepped back . This made Norah snap out of her trance as all her thoughts came crashing down. She hurriedly took a step back as she rubbed her red face with her hands trying to slow down her breath for she had unconsciously started to hyperventilate .

"I.. uh.. I should be going! I have practice to do!", stammered Rafael as he tugged on his sword that hung from his belt .

Norah looked at him, her face was still red, "okay!", said she nodding her head.

Rafael looked up and smiled at her . He was about to turn around when a thought stuck Norah , "Rafael!", she called out.

"What?", asked he nonchalantly as his calm causal demeanour returned.

Norah took a step towards him, "Teach me how to fight!", she declared.

Rafael looked at her with eyebrows raised, "WHAT ?".

Norah nodded her head, "Yes! You are the best warrior I know of! I don't want you to protect me. I want to to be capable enough to take care of myself! I need to learn how to fight, and you can teach me that!", said Norah explaining herself.

Rafael stood there silently taking in all that she said. He was impressed by her determination and courage. Norah might not have any reasonable skills but she certainly did not lack boldness and that has always intrigued him.

"Why don't you ask Zoya to do that?" he asked .

Norah shook her head, "Zoya is an amazing mage. But i have seen you fight. No doubt! You are a better warrior. Please help me!", said Norah literally begging infront him. She so desperately wanted him to say yes. She had seen him in a combat, he was unmatched and it  was high time she also learned how to use her powers .

Rafael stood there silently for a few seconds pondering over what Norah said,
Finally he opened his mouth to speak " It won't be easy!", said he grimly .

Kingdoms of Arrevia : The Beginning (Book1)Where stories live. Discover now