Together Again

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Bold means speech

Bold italics means authors note

Italics means thoughts

Underlined italics means others thoughts


My eyes widened and I looked back up at Blue, I felt tears run down my eyes and leaned in to hug her. She laughed lightly and said, "I just think that name has a lot of impact within our group, and I just hope that giving this baby that Avery's name will inspire him to make an impact". I smiled and let go of the hug, Ash grabbed my shoulder to let me know he was still here. I sighed and grabbed a slice of cake drooling at it. I sat down at the couch and the original group sat with me.

I said, "What you been up to Ash?". Ash looked up from his plate and said, "Oh I took up basketball again, still a little rusty but it's just as fun as I remember". Niko smiled and said, "Yeah you still owe me a match". Ash rolled his eyes and said, "No, you beat me every time". I looked at Niko and said, "I didn't know you played basketball".

Niko laughed and said, "I don't. That's just how bad he is". I made a shocked smiling face and started laughing at him. Ash pouted and Genie walked over to the group. She squeezed in next to Farrah and said, "Dang, I miss seeing you all together".

Farrah smiled and said, "I miss you, where were you at these last couple days?". Genie said, "I was busy helping plan this baby shower". Farrah said, "So busy you could read the text but not text back?". Niko covered her mouth and I instigated it by saying, "oooooo dang, left on read". Ash stifled a laugh and Genie looked at Farrah in the eyes and said, "Sorry, I promise I'll try to text back".

I said, "Tch". Niko looked over at me and said, "What?". I sighed and said, "I lowkey wanted to see the argument happen". Ash laughed and said, "Seriously, what type of argument was that?". Farrah said, "It's alright, and Adda instigation is my job". I laughed and said, "You right".

Ash lied back and smiled, I looked at him curiously. I wonder- My thoughts were interrupted, Ace tapped my shoulder and said, "I have class in an hour give me a hug goodbye". I rolled my eyes and side hugged him, Ace put his head in my shoulder and said, "You're single now so, I can do this". Ash said, "Not for long, you have no regard for the bro code". I said, "Even if I wasn't don't do this, it's weird. Are you sniffing me right now?".

I pushed him off me and Ace started laughing, "I'm just kidding". Farrah got up and said, "Honestly for as long as I've known you, I don't think you're joking anymore, creep". Ace looked down and pouted, he said, "I promise liking woman won't be my only character trait". Farrah said, "Don't break the fourth wall like that secondly, too late it's almost the end of the book". Ash looked up and said, "What oh crap, wait, wait ahhh the scene is ending words are popping up".

Ash words started to fade. August walked over and said, "What are you guys talking about?". He had his hand wrapped around Rose's waist. I looked at them both up and down and said, "Hol up, what is this?". Rose said, "I thought you said you told her about us".

August looked at me and said, "I did". My eyes widened as my secret came out slowly. I said, "You figured me out, I don't really pay attention to anything you say". Auggie gasped and said, "Really- I know, I'm not stupid". I laughed and Auggie continued, "I'm a therapist in the making, nobody pays attention to what we say".

Rose laughed and said, "Honestly that's kind of depressing". Niko said, "I'll pay attention to you". I furrowed my brows and said, "Don't you have a boyfriend?". Niko sighed and said, "Shut up, he's nothing compared to Auggie". I looked at her shocked and said, "Where is your boyfriend, judging by how you talking about him you making it seem like you murdered him or something".

Niko playing along and laughed nervously. She stopped joking around and said, "Yeah no, he's at work, gotta pay them bills". I laughed and said, "How's being a parking ticket cop". Niko sighed and slapped her forehead. Niko said, "Ugh, it's so boring I want some action. I still must earn respect from the other cops but, I don't want to be serious all the time. I want to be me but, they're probably going to think I'm a weirdo".

I laughed and said, "You are weird, that's why we love you so much". Niko rolled her eyes and said, "Whatever, Ace why are you still here?". Ace shot his head up and said, "Oh you're right, see you guys'. He ran out the house quickly and slammed the door behind him. The noise made me jump a little, Niko just sighed and said, "What are we going to do with him?".

Niko shook her head and I said, "I'm going to get some water, all these sweets are getting to me". Ash got up and said, "I'll get it". I smiled and said, "No bro, I got it.". Ash started running to the kitchen and I said, "Alright fine". Ash went to the fridge and said, "Crushed ice or solid?".

Auggie looked at me freaked out, I replied calmly, "No ice". Ash walked back in and said, "Here". He handed me the cup and it didn't have ice in it. I looked at Auggie and said, "I'm okay don't worry".

Ice ice baby

Vanilla ice, ice baby😌💅

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