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Bold means speech

Bold italics means authors note

Italics means thoughts

Underlined italics means others thoughts

"Chill out, you need to rest".

Niko's POV

     I said, "How long do you think she'll be sleep for?". Carmen replied, "She's been through a lot this past week, she needs the rest". Carmen explained himself and honestly if I was in his situation, I would do the same thing in a heartbeat if I had to choose him over Adalyn. I would choose someone I love and known a long time. They're used to not having another sister around, at least he is so, he wouldn't even notice the difference.

     He seemed apologetic and sincere when he was telling us what was happening anyway so, I forgive him. But it's not my job to forgive him, Adalyn must, too. I looked over at the sound of footsteps and saw Ash coming downstairs. He went into the kitchen and got a glass of water. He came back into the living room and said, "Adda's awake".

     Adalyn's parents were still on the way, they haven't noticed Adda being gone because they were busy at work and would get home at one in the morning and leave at five in the morning. We began to walk upstairs, and I opened the door.

Adalyn's POV

     I started to sit up carefully; my stomach hurt from the previous torture done to it. I turned around when I heard the door open and saw Niko walking in. I smiled and she began running toward me. Farrah said, "Careful". Niko hugged me tight, and it hurt my stomach, so I whispered, "Ouch".

     She pulled away and said, "Sorry! did I hurt you?". I smiled and said, "It's fine, I'm happy to see you guys too". Ash walked in and handed me the cup of water, I smiled and started to drink it. I sat it on my nightstand. I turned around and Carmen was standing there staring at me. I said, "Can you give us a moment please".

     Farrah nodded and began to walk out of my room, everyone walked away following Farrah. I sighed and turned back to Carmen. I said, "I forgive you". Carmen looked at me in the eyes, I saw tears starting to come out of his eyes. Carmen then burst into to tears and said, "I'm so sorry! He has my sister, and I don't know where she is. He threatened to kill her if I didn't help. I couldn't lose my sister, my twin sister at that. I'm so sorry for everything I put you through, I heard your screams of pain and did nothing. I'm so selfish".

     I cried along with him and said, "You're not selfish, you were trying to save someone else's life. That's heroic of itself, it just so happens to be our sister". He looked at me when I said our and said, "I'm so sorry, you probably think I'm horrible sacrificing my sister for the other". I sighed and said, "No, you barely know me, I would've done the same. Do you consider me a sister?".

     Carmen looked at me and said, "Of course I do!". He pulled me into a hug, and I smiled. Ash walked back in with another cup of water. I didn't see what was in it until Carmen walked out and Ash sat it on my table. I looked at him and he said, "You're really dehydrated, you need to drink, and I'll get you some food".

     I looked at the cup, it had ice in it. Normal people wouldn't have reacted the way I did but, I kept thinking about the cold freezer I was forced into every day, while I was bleeding out. The red ice freezer, I started hyperventilating. I started crying and pushed the cup to the ground. Ash turned around when he heard the cup smash and ran toward me.

     He saw the look on my face and got worried. Ash said, "What's wrong!". I cried and he hugged me trying to comfort me, but it didn't work. I said, "No ice, please. I hate the cold".

     Ash looked at me as if he was trying to understand why but he couldn't figure it out. He picked up the glass and ice and walked out, he came back in to clean up the mess. He gave me a cup of water that wasn't cold and some food, and I drank the water. We just sat in silence for a while and I said,"What do you want to know?". Ash turned around from the TV that wasn't playing anything interesting and said, "I want to know why you had that panic attack just now".

     I put down the food Ash gave me and said, "Avery put me in in the freezer every day until my blood froze. I just remember bleeding out inside the freezer shivering for three hours. Carmen would come in and sneak me a snack or two, he'd even take me out for as long as he could without me getting caught. He'd even open it just to make it a little warmer". Ash started crying and said, "I'm so sorry, I should've come looking for you. I knew something was weird but didn't do anything. You suffered so much and you're just talking about it like it's nothing. You're so strong".

     I smiled and wiped his tears, I said, "It's okay, I understand. But we have a mission, to save Genie". Ash said, "Yeah but first, you need to go to therapy. I'm serious". I furrowed my brows and said, "What? No! I'm not going to a place just to complain about life and then the therapist judges me. Plus, I can't even tell them about my life because there would be too many holes in my story". Ash shook his head and said, "August is majoring in psychology, he wants to become a therapist. It'll work out fine".

You know how Authors be like ' oh I wrote this chapter in school'

I actually wrote this in school...😭

Dang I'm probably Wattpad girl now

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